Chapter 31:Last Chapter!

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Hey guys! Sorry but this is the last chapter! I'm just not interested in the story anymore. I'm sorry and thank you all for reading. Please check out my other two stories though!

Tris POV -Epilogue
After hearing I could never have children, I felt slightly upset but slightly relieved at the same time. I never thought I'd ever have kids. But I think if we ever want to have one, we might adopt.

Tobias and I spent the next few years in Dauntless. Nothing really happens. It's almost boring, after all the excitement in my past. But it's safe and I have Tobias beside me. So what else could I ask for?

Christina and Uriah are married, and she's pregnant. It's a girl. I think they'll be great parents. Shauna and Zeke have two kids, a boy and a girl. Tobias and I still aren't married but I don't mind. It's just enough, having him here with me. The girls always joke, it's almost as if he's too afraid to ask you to marry him. I smile and laugh but I know what Tobias is afraid of and that's not it .

Caleb's dead, thank goodness. When Dauntless and Erudite leaders heard what he was doing they immediately locked him up for investigation. Apparently what he was doing with the serums and the Divergent, was a complete secret. Nobody in Erudite knew, well apart from Caleb's 'followers'. He had them under the illusion that if they did that, it would be for the best. Yeah, right. They found him guilty and sentenced him to death.

Nothing's really happened after that. There's no more serums, no more threats, no more fear. I do think I'm going to miss it. I know that sounds strange but it's true.

So I'm going to leave you with this message,Do what you think is right, act now because if you don't then you might never get to.
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! So that was the last chapter. I just didn't like this story anymore, I had no ideas, I felt no one was reading it and I just felt bored writing it but I wanted to give you an ending. So here you go. Thanks for reading. Please check out my other stories. Bye Guys! 😊💕

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