Chapter 6

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Tris POV
I can't believe that just happened. For the next few days I lie low only coming out of my flat at night. I've had no visitors, no letters. Everyone is still pretending I'm dead probably. Maybe it's best that way.

The next morning
I wake up to the sound of my door being bashed repeatedly. "Alright alright! I'm coming!" I shout. I timidly open the door and see Christina standing there. She looks so mad maybe I should not open the door. But I do anyway. And I regret it as soon as she starts talking.

"You!" she shouts,"Who do you think you are? What gives you the right to show up, sing at my wedding and upstage me? The bride? Ugh!" she screams and she slaps me. I stagger backwards, clutching my check. I can't believe she did that. I can't believe she would so any of this.

I look away and say "I never wanted this to happen. I work for the government now. They sent me hear and said I had to have a new identity. But I couldn't stand it so I revealed myself where I knew there would be a lot of people. Im sorry. I'll stay out of your life, of all your lives from now on, okay?" She stands there and then replies "You just don't stop do you? We all know you don't work for the government so you can stop there. I've had enough!" then she flounces towards the door. As she opens it she turns around and says with a smirk,"Oh and by the way, if you come near me or Four or any of the gang ever again, I will personally grab you by the hair and give you some of the death serum. Ok?" and then she leaves, slamming the door behind her.

Does she really hate me that much? Would she really kill me? What happened to the Christina I knew in initiation? The Christina who would never say stuff like that, the Christina who was afraid of moths? I guess time has changed her. But I wish it hadn't.

Christina POV
There that'll show her. I wasn't kidding, I'll slit that girls throat if I had to. She better not think she can get her claws into Four again. He's mine now, forever. I look down at my ring smirking. He loves me and not her. I am his wife and she's nothing.

I plan on never letting him out of my sight. He's not allowed do go anywhere without me. He's not allowed to talk to anyone without my permission. I'm not being controlling, I'm just keeping a close eye on what's mine. Then I have a great idea. There's this group that's hunting divergents. I know for a fact that Tris is divergent. I know how I'll get that brat out of the picture, for good. She'll never even see it coming. Ha it serves her right. Poor little Tris will never see anyone she thought loved her again once I'm finished with her.
Hey guys so how was that? I'm sorry for making Christina a villain but it'll all work out in the end I promise. The next few chapters will hopefully have lots of action in them so please keep reading. Please comment what you think. Bye guys! 😊💕

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