Chapter 29

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Four POV
After I inject Caleb I ask him a few simple questions like what's your name and whats your age. Then I get to what I really want. "Why does Tris not remember us?" I ask. He stares at me startled and then replies. "I don't know. I don't know what happened. I injected her with a serum that got rid of Divergents and that happened." I'm shocked by his answer. What am i going to do now? We'll never get Tris back. "Can you do anything to reverse what you've done?" I ask him. "Well, I could make a serum that would reverse it. But everything I needs in Erudite." he tells me and I roll my eyes. "Zeke will go to Erudite, get what you need bring it back and then you will help Tris." I tell him. He starts to protest but I stop him. "Or we could just tell Dauntless leaders about this. Oh wait. A leader already knows." I tell him. He gulps and asks,"Which leader?" I lean in close to his face and smirk as he shrinks away,"Me." I turn to Zeke and tell him to go to Erudite. "Ask for Cara, I'm sure she'd help you." I tell him and he nods and leaves.

Hopefully this will help Tris. If not then I don't know what I'll do.

A few hours later
Zeke comes back with Cara and we tell Caleb to start working. He does and soon the serum is ready. I didn't pay much attention to him making it, I'm not Erudite. I call Christina and tell her to bring Tris to Caleb's cell. "This better work, otherwise your dead, Caleb Prior." I threaten and he nods, gulping. And I mean every word I say.

Tris POV
I awake to find myself in the same room, but this time my hands are tied. The girls come back in and one speaks up,"Im sorry, Tris. We didn't want to tie you up. You just were too restless. But me and Shauna are bringing you to Caleb and he'll fix you ok?" and they drag me out the door. Finally I can get to Caleb, my master. He'll tell me what to do. He'll help me.

We arrive at what looks like a cell and I walk in. I see Caleb tied to a chair and he looks at me, pathetically. I rush over to him and he whispers in my ear. "I need a gun. Can you get me one?" he asks and I nod. I see one sitting on a counter, obviously used for interrogations and torture. When no one is watching I slip over and grab it, before pressing it into Caleb's clammy hands. "Thank you. This'll help." he whispers and someone speaks up. "Enough Caleb. Give the serum." and he hands the boy a needle filled with blue, sparkling liquid. Then they all attack me and someone pushes the needle into my neck.

They back away and I feel strange. I start to remember, Christina, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna, Cara and Tobias! "As heartwarming as this is, I'm going to have to cut it short. We can't have a Divergent roaming free, now can we? Goodbye Beatrice, it's nothing personal. Just remember I hate you so very much." And I hear a gun go off. I look down and see a bullet hole appear in my stomach. With the last of my strength I flip Caleb's chair over, causing the gun to shoot him in the thigh. He squeals in agony and I fall to the ground. Everyone rushes over and I stare at their faces. Then I take Tobias' hand and whisper,"I remember you, I remember you all. I love you all, but I love you the most Tobias. Goodbye." and then everything goes black.
〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰Hey guys! Aren't I such an evil person. But don't worry Tris doesn't die, or does she? Please tell me what you thought! Bye guys! 😊💕

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