Chapter 7

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Christina POV
I track down 4 of the main people in the group and arrange to meet with them. It's getting dark and we are going to meet at midnight. I untangle myself from Four, making sure not to wake him up. Then I rush off.

I arrive at the abandoned warehouse 10 minutes later. I see 4 figures standing outside and I run to them. As I near them I can see that they are Peter, Eric, Drew and ...... Al? He was one of Tris' friends back in initiation. I understand why the rest of them would be he want to hurt her? Well I suppose he has seen just how awful she really is.

"So you got my message. I know for a fact that Beatrice Prior or as she is known Tris is divergent. She admitted it to me personally. I trust you will get rid of her in a way you see fit?" They nod and then Peter says,"To be perfectly honest I never thought you would be the one to turn her in. I mean she was your best friend. But then again I heard about what she did at your wedding. very shocking." Then they start to laugh.

I'm about to walk away when I turn and say "So when do you plan on doing this? Cause I can't wait around forever. She's dangerous and she need to be stopped." They nod and say,"We will get rid of this pest tonight. Pushing her over the chasm seems like our best option." I nod and say "Good." I walk away and think there that'll sort her.

Tobias POV
I wake up and realise that Christina is missing. But then I hear the door close. I get up and follow her. She walks for about 10 minutes before stopping at an abandoned warehouse. She starts talking to 4 men that as they move into the light I notice are Peter, Eric,Drew and Al. Oh no this is bad. But they are all smiling and laughing. Then I hear the words Tris, rid, pest and pushing over the chasm. I gasp. Are they going to get rid of Tris? Christina turns around and I know I need to get back before her so I rush off.

I make it back a good 5 minutes before she does so I sit on the sofa waiting. Then she rushes in and smiles. Then she whispers "Finally! Finally I can get rid of her! She will be gone by morning." and then she giggles. I then clear my throat and say "Where were you? And what are you talking about?" She looks startled and then says"I have no idea what your talking about. Now if you'll excuse me I'm tired." And she tries to go to the bedroom but I stop her. "I followed you, you know!" I shout. "I saw you talking to those people. What are they going to do to Tris?'" "Why should you care?" she screams back. "I'm your wife not her! You shouldn't even care that she's going to die soon!" She looks guilty after saying that but it's all I need. "What happened to you? Christina, I thought I loved you. But ever since Tris came back you've changed. I don't know... I think that we aren't right for each other.." I trail off and she looks at me shocked. "Are you breaking up with me?" She whispers. I think for a while before answering "Yes. You can have this apartment. I'll go back to my old one. I'll be back for some of my things tomorrow but for now goodbye Christina." and I take off my ring and set it on a dresser.

She looks like she's about to cry but I take no notice. Tris could be dead right now and it's all because of her. I rush to Tris' apartment and see 3 masked men outside it. Then Tris comes out and they grab her and drag her to the pit. Oh no! The chasm! I forgot!

I rush to the chasm and hope that I'm not too late. I get there just in time. I punch and kick and shove Tris out of the way. Then I unmask the figures and see Peter, Drew and Al. Seriously, obviously I didn't hurt them enough the last time. I kick them down and punch them in the jaw. Suddenly they are all on the floor groaning in pain. I don't have time to react before Eric comes shooting around the corner about to push me over. Then, Tris comes and punches Eric in the jaw. When he's caught off guard she shoves him over the chasm. Wait she just shoved Eric the leader of dauntless over the chasm! What the hell! Then she goes to the 3 others on the ground and shoves them over as well! Wait what?! I look at her in disbelief and then see she's bleeding. I grab her wrist and pull her towards my room. Answers can wait for now we have to get her fixed up,before she bleeds to death.

I fix her cuts and stitch up the wound in her shoulder. She turns to me to say thanks but starts to yawn. I chuckle and tell her to sleep, she can tell me the answers to my questions in the morning. She nods and closes her eyes. I really hope she has a good explanation for killing 4 members of dauntless.
Hey guys so this was sort of a long and exciting chapter. Please please tell me what you think! Omg I'm watching the mortal instruments and can I say 'Awkward!!!!' lol 😂 please comment! Bye guys 😊💕

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