Chapter One

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We sat around the dinner table. My mom made my favorite Chicken Alfredo. Every year on the last day of school she always cooks my favorite meal. I turned sixteen last month and I've just finished my sophomore year in high school. My father is the police chief for Alexander City. My mother is chief of cardiology at Alexander Medical Center. I feel so blessed to have parents who have accomplished so much. Being their daughter though sets the standards very high. Luckily, they are not forcing me to go into their career fields. I am more interested in the arts, like theatre and singing.

The dinner talk was the usual. We talked about our day and how it went.

"So, honey, what's your plans for summer?" My dad asked me

"Well, I'm volunteering as a candy stripper at the hospital." I explained "to get some work experience, now that I'm old enough to be one."

"Awe, sweetie that's amazing" my mom praised.

"Well, if you get bored, we could use some help at the station. You could help file paperwork." Dad offered. He secretly wants me to do something in law enforcement.

I just nodded and said "I'll think about it dad"

"Alright Hun, just know the offer is always on the table" Dad said before he dropped the issue and changed the topic. He turned the conversation to mom. "So, honey, how was work?"

She swallowed the bite of delicious spiced chicken and Alfredo. "It went eh... Okay. I lost a patient on the table though. He was one of the robbers caught earlier. Maybe you could fill in the details for me?" She begged after briefly telling us about her day.

He looked down, then spoke. "Yeah, two people tried mugging an undercover female officer today. She was held at gunpoint, then eventually she was able to gun from one of the muggers while the other one disappeared, I've got officers on the case and on the hunt for him."

I interrupted before anymore was said, "I'm sorry you lost a patient Mom." Then I turned my attention to dad, "Dad? How was your day?"

"Good Mags. A patrol officer passed his detective exams, along with all the other requirements to become a detective. I have him the promotion he deserves. So, tomorrow he will be starting as a homicide detective." My dad told my mom and I, he was very proud of this officer.

"That's awesome! Who was it?"
I asked eagerly.

"Matthew Holden, a young one, but he has true potential." My dad told me

"Aww, the rookie! That's great." I was happy for the young guy in the department.

We finished dinner and talked a little more. I helped mom with cleaning up the kitchen and washing the dishes, then I went and worked on some schoolwork in my room.

An hour later I heard our record player start up, I went downstairs to catch mom and dad dancing. They love each other like the day they married. I hope one day I can have someone to love me like that. I left them to their dancing and went back up to my room to take a shower.

After my shower, I dressed in a white loose tee and some grey sweats and went to say goodnight to my parents. On my way to their room I heard my mother scream. I ran to their room and heard her and a man arguing. I stopped in the doorway unable to move or say anything.

"I found out you were the one who let him die on the table. Some top surgeon you are. You let him die" the man yelled at her.

She was crying, "No! I didn't let him die. I tried everything to save him, he lost too much blood and there was too much damage." She explained in her sobs.

Why wasn't my dad doing anything? I saw him in bed. Oh no! I thought He isn't doing anything because he was dead!

My moms scream jolted my eyes back to her. The man stabbed her in the lower abdomen. "I don't want to hear your shitty excuses. This is what you get bitch! A death just like your husbands." He yelled as he stabbed her again, then he notice her gaze shift to me. He turned and looked at me. "Well, I guess when I'm finished with you, I have fun with her." Then he slit her throat and dropped her body.

I couldn't move. My mother had just been murdered in front of me. I should have done something. I should have stopped him. I didn't. I just stood there and watched it all happen. The next thing I knew was the murderer charging towards me. He grabbed me and yanked me to him and tore me from my house. The house where I lived a normal life until five minutes ago. All I wanted now was for him to just kill me too, but I had a feeling he wasn't going to let that happen. Not yet anyways.

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