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EDIT (05/04/24): Constantly under edit since the very start back in Oct 2018 for spelling, punctuation or grammar errors, plot inconsistencies, redundant words and paragraphs or dialogue that could be more concise or re-worded for clarity.

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"We were grieving, lost and bleeding."

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"My name is Tyler Joseph, Keeper #12011988. I finally escaped from my abusive Protector, but now my Time Keeper is dangerously low and I'm afraid I only have weeks, maybe days left to live. If someone out there is reading this... please help me. I don't want to die. I need someone to love me so I can stay alive."

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"I'm looking for a guy named Tyler Joseph. Is he staying in this shelter?"

Tired blue eyes met curious brown eyes as the older woman on the cot stared up at the young man in front of her. They were totally unfamiliar to each other, yet for some reason, the man felt that out of all the people here, she'd be the best person to ask.

"Joseph," she repeated. "Tyler Joseph." Holding her hand up to her mouth, she thought about the question for a moment. "Yes, I met him a few weeks ago. Our cots were next to each other for a while."

"Is he still here?"

"As far as I know." She frowned a little. "He hasn't been well, though, so he's kept to himself." Standing up, wincing a little in the process, she pointed across the room. "See him? He's right over there, the real skinny one."

Grateful that he had managed to find him, the man thanked the woman for her help before making his way across the room to him.

Sat huddled in the corner was a young man, black hoodie pulled over his head and hiding most of his face from view. Bony hands wrapped around an even bonier body, he was clearly not well, just as the lady had said.

The man came closer before stooping down in front of him. Reaching out to touch his shoulder, he hoped to try and calm him down some.

Instead, he flinched, a heartbreakingly terrified look on his face. His facial expression quickly turned to confusion, though, when he saw that who was in front of him was clearly not who he'd been expecting.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," the man said, body drawn back a little. "Are you Tyler Joseph?"

"Who are you?" he asked, arms circling around himself again, fingers digging into his hoodie. "How do you know my name?"

"My name is Joshua Dun. You can call me Josh if you want."

"Joshua..." Tyler said carefully. "What do you want?"

"I know that you're a Keeper."

Tyler's skin turned an even whiter shade of pale, a panicked look on his face.

"Calm down. I'm not here to hurt you," Josh reassured him.

"Then why are you here?" He looked away from Josh's glance. "Nobody ever wants to be around a Keeper."

"Hey..." Josh reached out again, more slowly this time, and let just his fingertips rest on Tyler's knee. "That's not true. I found you on the Time Keeper Database."

Tyler's eyes widened a little. "You... you read my message?"

Josh leaned in closer, his voice soft. "I did. I want to help you, Tyler."

"But..." Tyler looked down again, hands shaking a little. Lifting up his sleeve, he held out his wrist for Josh to see. "You see how faded my Time Keeper symbol is? I'm done for. Even if you were to help me, it's probably too late at this point."

Josh's heart pulled at the look of despair in Tyler's eyes. "Tyler..."

Pulling his knees up to his chest, Tyler leaned his head on top of them as he stared off into the distance. "I'm so scared, Josh," he whispered. "I just want to be put out of my misery."

"Listen to me." Tyler's eyes flicked up to look at Josh. "Even if it is too late, I want you to spend your last day with someone that cares about your wellbeing. Not here in this shelter."

"But... why me? Are you a Protector?"

Josh shook his head. "No, actually. But let's just say I know a lot about it." He held his hand out to him. "What do you think? I'll take care of you, Tyler. I promise."

Tyler looked at Josh's outstretched hand and the way his fingers looked so strong, yet so gentle. Would he really lay his life as a Keeper on the line for this man?

Did he even have much of a choice anymore?

Or was he just going to die in this corner?

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Stick with me, frens, I appreciate you.

Are you a morning person or a night owl?

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Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now