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Emily's POV
It's been about 4 days since the incident. I haven't left Daniels side. He hasn't left mine. I don't feel comfortable going outside alone or going anywhere alone. I've barely eaten. I have cut myself more. I've lost 10 pounds. I can tell people are getting worried.  It was about 1:37pm we were all eating lunch. I just sat there moving my food around my plate.
Emily: uh. I'm going to be right back.
Christina: ok
Daniel: ok
I get up and go the bathroom upstairs and throw up so no one could hear me. I quickly wipe my mouth, wash my hands and brush my teeth again. I go back down stairs and just sit there. I see Jack look at me with really worried look.
Jack: Emily you ok.
Emily: uh yeah I-Im fine. Why?
Jack: I don't know. I just haven't seen you eat a lot.
Emily: oh I'm just not hungry thats all.
I try to give a reassuring smile.
Jack: oh.

~2 hours later~
I decided to take a shower. I get undressed and all that. I step into the warm water. I wet my hair I stand in the shower lost in thought. All the horrible memories come back. I start to cry. I think about all the times I got bullied and beat up. All the times I thought of Dani. What happened when I went to explore LA for the first time. Then the thing that happened the other day. I am now silently sobbing. The memories repeat. I start to have an anxiety attack. I stop breathing sudden and then everything went black.

Daniels POV
I was sitting in the living room watching TV with Jack and Zach while Emily was in the shower. I hear a loud thud. I sit up straight and look at Jack and Zach and they both look directly at me at the same time.
Zach: what the heck was that.
Jack: I have no clue.
I instantly realized Emily was in the shower and everyone else was outside or in the kitchen. I run up the stairs and run into my bathroom without any thought.
I see a hand hanging out of the shower.
Daniel: Emily?
No response.
Daniel: Emily?!
Still no response.
I look over and see her towel I grab her towel. I put my hand in and turn off the water. I slowly but quickly open the shower curtain. I quickly throw the towel over Emily. It was kinda weird at first but I didn't care at this moment. My girlfriend was passed out in the shower. I have to make sure she is ok no matter what.
I stare at Emily not knowing what to go. I scream for the girls.
I hear footsteps and then see a the girls in my bathroom in shock.
Christina: Oh my god!
Gabbie: what do we do!
Megan: call 911 dummy's!!!
Daniel: can you like change her. I'll go grab her clothes
I run and grab her clothes I then hand them to the girls and leave the bathroom. I wait for them to say that she is dressed.
Gabbie: she's good!
Daniel: ok.
I go back into my bathroom and pick her up bridal style I take her down stairs. She still hasn't woken up.
Jack: what happened
Daniel: I don't know! I think she fell and past out.
After about 10 minutes the ambulance got here I rode with Emily and everyone else went into one car.
After about 5 minutes we were at the hospital they rushed her in. I ran in and went into the waiting. I saw everyone come next to me.

10 minutes later the doctors came out.
Doctor: is anyone here for Emily Nelson?
I automatically stand up.
Daniel: I am.
Doctor: hi and are you a sibling or a family member?
Daniel: uh boyfriend.
Doctor: I see. So Emily pasted out because she hasn't eaten in about one or two days and she is dehydrated.
Daniel: oh uh...
Doctor: i don't want you or anyone to be offended by this, but is she by chance suicidal or depressed.
Daniel: I uh I believe she is a cutter.
Doctor: can you also explain all the bruises all over her body.
Daniel: t-the other day she got r-raped.
Doctor: oh. Well she hasn't woken up yet she has an IV in right now. You can go in but only a few people at a time because she will be a little dizzy and confused when she wakes up. She surprisingly doesn't have a concussion she does have a broken arm. But that is all for now. And by the way I am Dr. Kepner
Dr.Kepner: also what is her favorite color for her cast.
Daniel: I believe tur
Daniel: uh thank you Dr. Kepner.
Doctor: mhm.
She walks away.
Jack: you can go in first.
I decided to walk in and see her lying in the hospital bed still unconscious with an IV in her left arm covered in bruises still. A tear went down my cheek. I sat down in a chair next to her. I put my hand on hers and squeeze it lightly I sit there for a few minutes and put my head down. Suddenly I feel something squeeze my hand gently. My head shoots up immediately and I see Emily looking at me smiling. I immediately smile back.
She whispers
Emily: hey
Daniel: hey
Emily: why am I at the hospital
Daniel: you passed out in the shower. Turns out you are dehydrated and also you've haven't eaten in days.
Emily: I'm sorry.
Daniel: it's ok it's able to be fixed. We'll start slow one thing at a time
Emily: ok. Thank you so much Dani. I really don't know what I would do without you.
Daniel: I don't know what I would do without you either.
I kiss her hand and smile.
Emily: I love you
Daniel: I love you too.

Long Time No See{}{}Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now