Chapter 14 - Wing Maiden Island

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Toothless zipped north, following the Swift Furies from above. The new "dragons" as Hiccup put it, seemed to have not noticed the duo flying after them. They only noticed when the three Furies landed at the same time.

One of the Swift Furies, Remus, growled immediately at the sight of the two. He thought they were here to kill him, Mera, and possibly their egg. He technically saw them as a threat to his egg. The male Swift Fury slowly stepped in front of Mera, ready to protect her should their followers start to attack. He really wasn't sure what their motive was and Mera couldn't figure it out either.

"Get away from us." Remus roared.

"What kind of dragons are you? You definitely don't look like ones that are native to here." Toothless questioned.

"Why should we tell you. You'll just kill us!" Remus snarled loudly.

"Look, my rider and I are just curious! I promise we won't hurt you or your family." the night fury stated.

Remus scowled lightly. If there was one thing he learned about being a hunted dragon, it was to not trust anyone. Especially if they claim to not hurt them, they would always hurt the Swift Furies by backstabbing the dragons.

"Like hell that's true! I don't believe you one bit." Remus flicked his tail on the ground. "Come on Mera, let's get away from these....these strangers."

The male Swift Fury padded west of their original direction. His mate not far behind as she gave Toothless a small frown. Trust was their biggest solution but it was also their weakness. They could both remember being betrayed by dragons they trusted.

Hiccup could only watch the two unknown dragons pad away. A part of him really wanted to know what species they were while a different part of him wanted to know what they were telling Toothless. Dragonese was not something he knew.

"Heyo Hiccup!" he heard Ruffnut shout as the female twin Thorston walked up to him.

She was adorned in bright shiny silver armor with bronze linen on her tunic. In her arms was her baby Razorwhip, Atali and Minden had given her.

"Hey Ruff. I see Atali's treating you well." Hiccup grinned and pointed to her outfit and Razorwhip hatchling.

She looked down at herself. "Oh this? Psh, of course she is! I'm just as fabulous as the others are! Only, I'm a bit more aggressive if you know what I mean." she wiggled her eyebrows at the last sentence.

"Leave it for Fishlegs, please." Hiccup mused.

"Don't worry! This body will be all his." Ruffnut smirked then sighed. "What brings you here, even?"

"Did you see the two dragons that landed at the same time as Toothless?" Hiccup asked.

"Dragons? Hiccup, the only dragons here are the Razorwhips and Toothless. There are no others." Ruffnut stated causally.

She scratched her head a second later. "Unless-" she was cut off by a sudden scream.


"Was that Atali?" Hiccup questioned worriedly.

The female Thorston grimaced and nodded. "Better see what's going on." she jogged off.

Hiccup followed her with Toothless trailing behind him. The three halted on their heels. In front of them was Atali, the strawberry haired green eyed woman moved swiftly on her feet to protect the hatchlings and her people from the two dragons.

"Please. We just need you to take care of our egg." Mera stated after she set the egg down.

"A dragon egg?" Atali said with a confused expression on her face.

"Atali, what are we going to do with it? These dragons could attack the babies." Minden commented.

Atali had no response, instead she eyed the dragons slowly push their egg towards her.

"I think they want you to look after it." Hiccup assumed.

The Wing Maiden leader shifted her head at him then the dragons.

"They want us to look after their egg? I...I don't know." Atali mumbled. "Looking after Razorwhip hatchlings is one thing but an unknown dragon, who could potentially pose as a threat to the hatchlings is an entirely different thing."

"Tell me, do you actually know what type of dragon they are?" Hiccup asked her.

"According to them, Swift Furies." Ruffnut butted in.

She tapped the ruins within the dirt with her boot. The male Swift Fury had written his  dragon species down in the dirt.

"Smart dragon." Atali noted. "But what is a Swift Fury anyways? I never heard of it before."

(Location; Berserker Cay)

A raven haired female Viking strolled around the village of Berserker Island. As second-in-command to the tribe, she held high hopes that one day her brother would have an heir so that she wouldn't have to become Chieftess.

She figured she would be the last one to settle down and have a family. She wasn't even dating anyone yet but she was fine with that. Her brother was happily married to a woman named Mala, Queen of the Defenders of the Wing. Truth be told, the female double bladed axe wielder questioned their sudden love.

It was love at first sight and that thought confused her.

"Oi, lost in your thoughts again?" she heard someone say.

She looked up and sighed as the person sat down beside her.

"I'm not lost in thought, Rajiv." she muttered.

Rajiv Everton was one of Mala's people, but he had moved to Bersrker island as a means for a fresh start. He had the most strangest eye color for Vikings; gold. Though, to her; she loved looking at them. He fixed his golden eyes at her.

"Heather; what's going on?" Rajiv asked in a soft tone of voice.

"I just want my brother and Mala to have an heir. That way, Vikings would stop begging me for an heir." Heather whispered.

"Having an heir might not be that bad. Though in the end, it's your decision. Whatever you do decide, I'll support you." Rajiv told her.

Heather smiled. "Thanks Rajiv. I appreciate it." she stated.

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