Chapter 10 - Twins Reunite

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Leyla hopped off of Luna's saddle and planted her boots firmly on the ground before flicking off some dirt that had managed to get onto her clothes. How that happened, she never knew but it didn't bother her. What bothered her, was the fact she had to find Belzium on an island she knew absolutely nothing about.

She sighed heavily. "Why did I get put on this 'mission'? Couldn't Astrid just do it?" Leyla grumbled.

"Astrid couldn't do it because it's Berk. She'd be hunted down faster than you can say 'Rescue Riders!'" Luna replied.

The sleek white dragon was resting on the sandy beach with her tail curled around Leyla's small, frail body. It was her way of protecting the ten year old Viking girl.

"I guess that's true." Leyla said, a ringtone of silence went past the two for at least five minutes before Leyla spoke again. "Still, Astrid's done so much for Huttsgalor that I actually look up to like a hero." the girl smiled.

Luna grinned. "A hero, you say? I feel it's something more." she laughed at Leyla's face suddenly turning red.

"LUNA!" Leyla shouted, joining into the laughter a second later.

(Flashback, years ago)

Astrid ran to the forest, specifically a cave where she kept her beloved Deadly Nadder she had trained with the knowledge she gained from Hiccup. She felt a pain in her chest as she stopped running and looked back. She could see Hiccup's small frame standing beside his father; the Chief, at the Great Hall.

'I'm sorry Hiccup but I have to do this. I thought you of all Vikings would understand.' she remembered telling Hiccup her reasoning for leaving, not going beyond that vague answer. Truth be told, she was right. He of all Vikings would be the one to understand her true reason. That she, Astrid 'Fearless' Hofferson, trained a dragon and rode said dragon.

"Stormfly, come here girl!" she called out once she reached the peak of the cave.

A squawk was her reply as the blue and yellow Deadly Nadder approached the blonde warrior.

"Hey, Stormfly."Astrid said, as she ran her hand along the base of Stormfly's yellow horn; just an inch above her mouth. "We have to get out of here. Now. Before Chief Stoick finds out about you." Astrid whispered.

"Are you in trouble? Did he THREATEN YOU?! DID HE BANISH YOU?! DID HE MAKE YOU GET MARRIED TO SOMEONE YOU DON'T LOVE?!" Stormfly shouted or more like growled since Astrid couldn't understand her.

"Easy, girl. I don't know what you said but I can guess you were questioning me about him." she commented.

"Damn right, I did. He'd be a fool to banish you! You're his best dragon..." Stormfly shivered, "...killer." she finished.

"I wish I could understand what you're saying, girl."Astrid said, giving her dragon a small, sad smile.

The blonde Viking girl was about to jump up onto Stormfly; onto the saddle she had designed (with Hiccup's help of course) when a sharp, cold voice interrupted her.

"Astrid?" she turned around, her blue eyes meeting his green ones.

(Present day)

"Astrid?" the thing whispered. "How do they know her? I wonder...if this Huttsgalor thing is where Astrid is." the dragon crept closer.

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