Chapter 1

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I watched out the window as rain poured down around van.
It seemed like just days ago when I found out about my father's death.
My mother didn't take it easy, often throwing things at the wall in an angry fit.
I knew it wouldn't be long before she got rid of me, hoping to protect herself from the man that killed my father.
My mom slammed on the brakes before looking back at me.
I pulled the door open and grabbed my suitcase before climbing out of the back seat.
I closed the door then watched my mom drive away, leaving me in the rain.
My clothes were already soaked from the harsh cold drops, making me sneeze.
I've gotta find some shelter, before I catch a cold.
I started my search for a store or house, hoping the owners would be kind enough to let me stay a night.
My suitcase was luckily water proof, keeping all my books safe from getting wet.
My father had written them all, just for me.
They have poems and stories, advice and even his personal diary.
After he was killed by a boy named Michael Vey.
He's probably older now, but still just as dangerous.
Now, my mom is scared he'll come and kill her of he knows about me, so she kicked me out.
I guess she doesn't care that I'm only thirteen.
I'm pretty smart for my age, but really short.
I didn't get my dad's height after all.
My thoughts were interrupted by some lights up ahead.
I smiled and walked over to the gas station, pulling my suitcase along.
When I pulled the door open, a woman looks at me from behind the desk.
"Can I help you?"
I nodded and left my suitcase by the door.
"Ma'am, do you think I could stay the night here? My mom kicked me out."
She immediately looked concerned and walked around from the counter.
"Of course sweetie, have you eaten?"
"Yes ma'am, I ate before I left, I just need a warm place to sleep."
I looked me up and down, worried about my wet clothes.
"I'll get you a blanket... Then dry your clothes for you."
"Thank you ma'am, I'll try to be quiet."
She smiled and led me to the back, with me dragging my suitcase along.
"What's your name honey?"
"... Cameron Hatch."
She looked at me funny "Hatch?"
"Yes ma'am, he was my father."
She looked... Different.
She probably recognized the name or something.
"You lay down here while I get you some new clothes."
I nodded and sat on the bed.
She walked away and picked up her phone before calling a number.
"Hey Dari, what's up?"
"I-I have a problem... About Hatch."
"Is he back?"
"No... But it's just as bad."
"What is it then?"
"... Hatch has a son... And he's here."

Michael spun Taylor around as she laughed.
"A baby boy! A baby girl!"
He dropped Taylor gently and hugged her.
"I'm gonna be a dad!"
Ostin and McKenna were also watching with excitement.
"The baby shower will be huge!"
Taylor chuckled "Well, not too big—."
"Oh! And we need names!"
Michael nodded, still hugging Taylor.
"And their rooms! They'll have to have big rooms!"
Mckenna grabbed a notebook and began writing down ideas.
"Guys" Taylor began "The babies won't be here for awhile now."
Michael sighed "I don't know if I can wait another day."
Taylor kissed his cheek with a smile.
"I think you'll manage."
When the phone began to ring, Michael was the first to pick it up.
"Hey, who is it?"
"It's Jack, and I've got some bad news."
Michael ignored him and spoke quickly.
"Taylor is having twins Jack! A boy and girl! Isn't that great?"
"Will they have powers too Jack? What if one of them can fly!?"
"Please listen—."
"In just five months I'll be a father! I'll get to be a dad!"
"... What?"
"Something bad just happened, you need to come down to the ranch with Taylor and help."
"W-what happened?"
"... Hatch."

Michael Vey (Hatch's son)Where stories live. Discover now