Old Flames

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Author's Note: This is Angelica ☺(Marky's Sister)

Chapter 15


"What? Why?"

"It's only for a couple of days," she said. "I know. I know. You'll probably be mad at me for not telling you earlier, but I took these days off to spend quality time with you."

"Where are we going?"

"To the old cabin."


She nodded.

Holy crap. I hadn't been there since I was little. But the thing was why would she want to go there? I thought she couldn't handle being surrounded by all of his stuff. What changed her mind?

"I think I'm ready to deal with it," she said. "I think I'm strong enough now."

"Are you sure, mom?"

"Yes." She didn't hesitate. "I'm very sure."

The next morning, my mother drove for multiple hours. We only brought a small luggage with us. I had texted Donny, Kim, and Reece that I wouldn't be in town for a few days. Kim kind of freaked out and asked me multiple questions like I had expected her to. Reece was happy about my vacation and told me that she will miss my presence. And then Donny didn't say too much. He asked a few questions and understood me. He also sent me another text message attached with a video of him. I pressed play.

The video showed him straddling his motorcycle. He adjusted his black gloves with a charming smile on his face. I smiled back although he couldn't see my reaction.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with?

I'll make excellent company."

The video ended with him winking and I bit back a giggle. My mother glanced at me. She didn't hear the video because I had headphones on.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing," I said. "It's just some video that I'm watching."

The rest of the ride, Donny and I texted back and forth. I had sent him my own video. The video I sent him showed me smiling and silently making goofy faces at the camera. I found it pretty funny. He must've found it funny, too because he sent laughing faces.

The car slowed to a stop. I looked up and realized we were finally here.

The small cabin that my dad grew up in looked exactly the same. The tall trees filled with orange and red leaves looked exactly how I remembered it to be.

My mother brought out a beautiful smile. "It's funny how this place never ages."

"Yeah. I know, right?"

We stepped out of the car and admired the surroundings. Tranquility and unforgotten memories oozed in the air. We admired a little longer until we decided to finally step inside. Inside, the air felt warm. Long, white blankets draped over the polished wooden furnishings. The pictures were smeared with dust on the walls.

"Oh my God," my mother breathed.

She covered her mouth. Her brown eyes turned watery. She swallowed in the tears as she scanned the untouched living room. She dropped her hand and a slow, heartfelt smile crossed her face.

"Want to help me clean up?" she asked with a gleam in her eye.

I nodded. "Of course."

An hour passed and we had removed the white sheets and wiped the dust from the pictures. I had broomed and my mother had mopped the pine wood floors. We had pulled up the delicate glass windows so the cool afternoon air could circulate inside.

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