Chapter 11: The Fight for Love!

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        I sat in the training field, meditating to focus my energy before I began Ninjutsu training. I could hear faint footsteps against the grass and I turned to see who it was. Starting from the bottom I seemed to be a guy from his stance. He wore a forest green jumpsuit and had a symmetrical bowl cut with a starry but determined look in his eyes.

        "You, Akira Akabara! I have come to see how great your skills are! I have heard rumors of your strength, and have come to defeat you in the name of Gai Sensei!"

        I smiled crookedly at his awkward declaration of battle but decided to partake, and dusted my butt off.

        "And you are Rock Lee, a beginner of Taijutsu. Alright, let's get this over with."

        Is stood straight and made the hand signals of sheep, boar and rabbit.

        "Kekkei Genkai Regeneration!" My ninjutsu skill could cover and copy styles, almost like a Sharingan but quicker to understand the moves.

        He moved quickly and tried to use the move Strong fist and I countered with the same action. He looked startled and continued furiously but I continued to counter with a smirk. My eyes turned brown as I used my Kekkei Genkai to manipulate the earth below his feet, and he sunk into the ground. Rock Lee struggled to move around and wailed with anguish, with large tears rolling down his face.

         I pulled him partially out of the manipulated soil until only the top part of his torso was out of the ground. He struggled to remove himself from the dirt a little longer and finally gave up.

        "How could you use my own Taijutsu against me. I was the greatest and now I have been shamed! How will Guy Sensei ever forgive me?"

        He was quiet for a moment then looked up at me with heart shaped eyes. I was startled for a moment and then crouched down to poke his cheeks

        "You..... are my one true love! This battle has enthralled and this love prevails more than my love for Sakura! This intensity is too much!"

        "Sure it is" I patted his cheek "I'm sure your team mates can release you later, I have to go meet my team Kakashi. It's time for the Chunin Exams!" As I walked away I could hear him yelling about true love and honor. None of which I was concerned with.


The rest of team Kakashi and I walked to the first area when a familiar voice called out.

        "You! With the look on their face! Fight me!"

  I turned around to look at Rock Lee, then at Sasuke with one eyebrow raised.

        "This guy?" I pointed at Sasuke. He nodded vigorously and jumped from the ledge.

        "I have come to fight you for the strength known to the Uchiha clan and because I am the strongest Genin! And also to fight you for Akira and Sakura's love! You do not deserve it!"

        Sakura blanched at his declaration while I laughed. Again. For the third time today. First at the training grounds, then in the hallway, and finally in this moment. I moved to the edge of the room to have a seat and pulled Naruto with me, who was grumbling about Sasuke always having the attention. Sakura tried to dodge tiny squishy hearts from Rock Lee while screeching about his ugly sense of style.

        "The only thing you're fighting me for is strength, not.. girls." Sasuke answered in a bored tone.

        "Got that damn right." I whispered against the wall while crossing my arms. "Get this over with you guys."

        Rock Lee started off with Leaf Wirlwind and went straight into his Taijutsu. He nailed Sasuke with almost every kick and punch while Sasuke tried his best to evade them, with no success. Sasuke tried to use his Sharingan, but I knew it was no match. He was too slow, and Rock Lee was too fast and too trained. Rock Lee prepared to use something seemingly extra powerful until some thing large and green stopped him.

        Rock Lee got smacked around a bit and I stood up, pulling the rest of my team with me to the next room.


        The next waiting room was more crowded than the hallway was. There was Genin from all eight villages, with the most pronounced amount from Konoha of course. I wandered away from my group and was stopped by a kid with A fluffed up coat and a puppy sticking out of the jackets front.

        "I'm Kiba, and this is Akamaru my dog." I remembered him from the Academy, the cutie who looks like a wolf.

        "Akira. I remember you from the academy, the wolf cutie." He blushed a bit so I changed the subject. "You should sit next to me for the first exam, I'm kind of sick of my teammates. They don't stop arguing.

        He laughed a bit and leaned up against the wall with a predatory smirk on his face. "So Akira, did you sit on a pile of sugar, cus you have a pretty sweet ass. We should meet up some time."

        I laughed and was going to reply, but was pulled back into an angry looking Sasuke. He glared at Kiba. "She doesn't need your company Inuzuka so back off."

        I roughly pulled myself out of his grasp and took Kiba's hand. "Screw you Sasuke go hang out with someone as douchy as yourself." I didn't look back to notice Kiba giving Sasuke a victorious smirk, or notice the deathly glare Sasuke tossed us both.

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