Chapter 7: The Beginning

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Chapter 7: The Beginning

Dedicated to ElmoWatches for super awesomeness and love of good music. Has nothing to do with this story. ^^

Sorry for any spellin/grammar mistakes…not edited!

 I don’t own Naruto!


  We walked along the dusty, dirty road, and it looked like it hasn’t rained for weeks. I was walking in front of everyone, they were all sweaty and hot, except for me, and Kakashi who was reading. I looked back in front of me, knowing ‘he’ was looking at me. I didn’t want to think about him, he caused my ‘change’. I noticed a small puddle in my path.  I looked at Kakashi who motioned to be quiet.

  A few minutes later, two ninjas jumped out of the puddle and into the middle of our group. One of them rapped some poison dripping chains around Kakashi. “Oh no!” Kakashi gasped dramatically as he was ‘ripped’ apart. ”Kakashi Sensei!” Naruto and Sakura gasped Sasuke took action in the fight while I jumped into a tree to watch.

Sakura got in front of Tazuna, wielding a kunai. “Like that’s gonna help.” I muttered sarcastically. Instead Sasuke jumped in front of her and kicked the dude’s chains and secured them to a tree with some kunai and shuriken. As one ran at Naruto, I took action and kick him back. I has about to use a Jutsu, but Kakashi came out of hiding and grabbed both the brothers and tied them up.”

 Good job Akira, Sasuke, Sakura. Sorry Naruto, you got hurt. I didn’t expect you to get hurt. You just froze up.” “Are you all right, Scaredy Cat?” Sasuke smirked as Naruto started to react. “Naruto, don’t move! That claw that scratched you has poison on it.” I sighed and lazily walked over to him and took his hand.

   I brought it up to my mouth to suck the poison out before he yanked it away.”What are you doing he practically screeched. I sighed again and blew my bangs out of my eyes.” Sucking out the poison, duh. The only other way is Make a bigger opening an drain out the blood.”

As he paled, I brought his hand back up to my mouth. I sucked {pro?} it out and spat it out as I watched the cut heal, and wrapped it up so he wouldn’t notice. I saw Sasuke staring at me intensely, but thought nothing of it. I walked over to Kakashi and Tazuna who were also staring at me. “We have some things to talk about, Tazuna.” I continued walking, not caring if they were following.


   We sat in a boat, slowly rowing our way the fogginess. I sat next Kakashi, who was listening to Tazuna’s so story about Gato. I leant back and sighed, staring out into the open water. When I was young, my mother used to tell me about the ‘creatures’ who live in the water, they’re like sirens, but not mermaids.

 They had bodies like the most beautiful Geishas, and faces that looked like porcelain dolls. If you were entranced by their beauty, they would turn into something like a demon, and eat your soul. But I’m getting off track." You guys don’t have to stay. I might get murdered and my sweet daughter will just weep and curse the Leaf Shinobi. And my poor grand- son will cry out, ‘Oh grand- dad, why did you have to leave me so!”

 He finished with fake sniffling. My team looked at each other guiltily, then Kakashi spoke up.”We’ll help.” “Thank you oh thank you!” I could see his little smirk. I just looked out at the water again until Naruto yelled, “Wow, it’s huge!” “Quiet! Why do you think the motor is off?” Naruto shrank a little then this time whispered, “It’s huge…”


      We got off on a little dock, and as the man floated off, he turned on the motor and sped away. “He could’ve just done that in the first place!” I exclaimed. I huffed and walked behind everyone else, I got bored being in the front. I walked beside Naruto, who suddenly flung a kunai into a bush, startling everyone.” There’s something in there, Believe it!” he exclaimed.

 “There’s nothing there you aka!” Sakura screamed. “Naruto, refrain from throwing unnecessary kunai, you could hurt someone.” “Yeah you little twerp, knock it off!” Tazuna butted in. We continued walking until Naruto threw another kunai. Sakura walked towards were he threw it, and came back with a petrified bunny.”Look what you did Naruto!’ she screeched, only scaring it more.

He ran up and snatched it out of her hands, snuggling up to it and yelling about how he was sorry. I took a closer look at the rabbit and notice how it was white. Snow white. And snow white rabbits only appear in winter, so that rabbit is a – before I could continue to process it, a giant sword was flung at me. I was tackled by someone and we fell to the ground.

I looked up to see Sasuke staring right back at me.” Watch out, aka.” He stood up and got in a fighting position. I stood up and looked up. The first thing I noticed were WAY too high up cow printed pants…. And more cow print.

I sweat dropped and nodded once at him.” Zabuza- Sama.”


   I haven’t read or seen the zaza ark in a minute, so excuse me if I have parts wrong, except for the ones I changed. Goin campin in 12 hours! Its 3:30 in the morning and im super hyped form eating gummy bears and peppermint patties! =D

It was gonna be longer, but I got bored ~^-^~

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