Broken Bonds and New Beginnings Chp.0 Prolouge

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I was only eight when my clan was murdered. I was out with my summoning wolf and partner Ace when everyone was killed. I wasn’t scared, in fact, I was sort happy. Your probrably thinking, ‘Why would a little girl want to kill her clan? ’. I was abused, neglected. I had only one person who cared for me, my mother. She died when I was five, so I never knew her that well. Now,back to being hated. I was basicly bred to be a fighting machine. I trained non-stop, so I had no time to make friends. Everyone hated or feared me because I have the Twelve-Tailed Arctic Wolf inside me. My only true friends were my summoning wolves, but mostly Ace.

So I walked into my house, while stepping over bodies. I went upstairs and to a shower. After I put on my short fighting kimono, pack my belongings, some money, grabbed my mother’s favorite necklace, and my favorite stuffed animal, because what child doesn’t have a favorite stuffed animal?

Then I left. Forever.


Author’s Note~~

Sorry if it sucks, this is my first time writing a fanfic, let alone a book.



=}, Mony-san

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