Chapter Twenty-Eight : Hero

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"When I was a child, I heard voices.
Some would sing and some would scream.

You soon find, you have few choices.
I learned the voices died with me."

Paige POV

I didn't know what to do when I saw Melody about to kill my mate. There wasn't much that so could do... I was mostly too paralyzed to do much, and Damain' s choking had an effect on me as well.

I was now writhing in the floor, trying to get this sack of potatoes that I call a body to do something. I couldn't breath.

I was about to start sobbing when I saw the gun. It was just a few feet away from me, so close yet so far. It was the gingers gun. Phillip his name was. I watched blankly as it flew out of his hand while he was fighting the twin giants. At the time I didn't really care. Now, it was different.

I hadn't very much experience with a gun. I knew how to shoot one, of course. My dad taught me that when I was real young. But I hadn't had much time to reevaluate those skills while in prison. Yea, the guards frown upon "murderous" inmates having firearms.


Now, it was his only chance. Come on, Paige, move it! My eyes were watery and I could see stars.

The witch was saying something to him now, I could feel the red hot pressure grow on my throat as she squeezed her claws into him. Come on!!!

My arm just refused to cooperate. It moved sluggishly, shifting only inches at a time. I pushed, flexing every muscle that I had in order to make this work. That Phillip guy was pinned against a wall, my mate was slowly being strangled to death, and I was just sitting here like a pile of manure. Despite my panic, my sarcasm remained present in my thoughts.

Mate of the year, right?

Just a few more centimeters and I had it.

-2 minutes later-

It was done.

She was done.

I gasped a sudden sigh if relief. Phillip dropped to the ground with a heavy thud. Damain coughed and shuddered. His legs shaking. I was breathing heavily, my lungs just couldn't get enough air.

Melody the witch was dead. A surge of pride weld up in my chest. You did it. My wolf yipped and jumped around in my head. For a moment, the pain faded away. My mate looked at me in admonishment and gratitude, the gold flecks in his chocolate eyes shined. I smiled a weak strained grin in response. I was conscious, but not for long.

My brothers taught me something about fear when I was little. Nathan told me about the power of fear. When properly motivated.... you'd be surprised what people can do. I guess that holds true in this scenario.

The witch could hurt my family no longer.

And with no further ado, I passed out cold.

Damian POV

I caught her just as she collapsed. I knew that she wasn't dead, I would had felt it immediately. That didnt stop worrying though. We had been wasting time during the fight, Paige was still losing blood. Rapidly.

I shouted at Phil to go and start the car. She needed to get out of here fast. I gently picked her up. Her small frame weighed nothing. I was pretty sure that I could feel her spine through her skin. When was the last time she had eaten.

Worry clouded my thoughts. She goes and saves my life and she dies in the car to the hospital. My life would be over. There would be no meaning...

Stop it. This isn't going to help her. This will only make things harder. Think like a soldier. Don't let your feelings get in the way of saving her.

I ran down the hallway as fast as I could. I kicked open the front doors and over to the car. I decided that the back seat would be the best place for her.

I gently laid her down horizontally on the seat, putting her head in my lap as we drove.

Everything's going to be ok. Remember that, Damain. You're  going to save her. You have to.

"Go." Phillip shot out of the parking lot like a bat straight out of hell. He drove like a madman and so prayed that he knew where he was going.

Paige's face was shallow and her once syaedy breaths were now haggard and small. A quick check of her pulse told me it was very weak. Shit. Her skin was hot and clammy.

"Her pulse is low. Fatally low." I stated. It took all of my willpower to not drop the steely soldier facade and burst into tears. I peered out the window. Just to our left was a giant blue road sign that said Hospital. "There."

Phillip brought the car to a screeching halt as he banked a sharp left. He didn't even bother tonoark before racing inside and getting help. A few minutes later three nurses with a gurney rushed out the front entrance, Philip tagging closely behind.

I kissed her for head as I lifted her out of the car. The nurses seemed to recognize me. They looked at me in shock as I laid my bleeding mate on the white gurney.

"What are you doing? Go." I screeched.

They rushed her inside, I had to break into a half jog to keep up. They pushed her in the gurney, just a few yards ahead of me. One if the nurses began shouting to the bystanders around us, telling them to clear the area.

They pushed her into a large white room, a group of what it looked like surgeons were there waiting. I moved to enter,

"Sir, you can't come in." One of the nurses told me. It was a short black woman. A small nametag on her shirt told me her name was Miranda.

"Listen, that's my..." was this woman a werewolf? "Girlfriend.... girlfriend in their."

"I'm sorry, she is undergoing surgery. I can't let you in..."

With a parting glance, the nurse slammed the door in my face.

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