Chapter One : The Prison

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Paige POV

Here's something that most people don't realize when they hear about living in a prison cell. It's cold. Very cold.

It's not the type of cold where you get goosebumps and start to shiver. No, it was more like a cold that sets in your bones and starts to make you crack.

She began to feel that aching cold as the girl lay on the small cot in the back of the cell, staring at the smooth dark ceiling. The feeling yet again causing her to chill. She had been there for what seemed like hours, awake and listening. The murmuring of the inmates below was the only sound. Talking nearby or yelling far away. It didn't matter much anyway, she thought to herself.

The girl let out a deep sigh. She guessed that's just what happens when you are held in a maximum security prison for a crime that you had to control over. I'm not complaining though... it's actually not that bad. I get a nice cot with a thin blanket. I got three full meals a day... and a cold shower every morning, even clothing! It might be a ugly yellow jumpsuit, but hey. Much better life here than what I used to have back home. She thought to herself. She had told herself this mantra everyday, yet each day it took more and more effort in order to make herself beileve it.

Some days she forgets what it feels like to be warm. She groans to herself internally. What she wouldn't give to go to the beach... soft warm sand... bright sun... salty waves...

The dull thud of boots echoed into her cell as a prison guard neared, waking her from her scattered thoughts. She barely registered the sound, everything seemed so far away to her nowadays. The guard was no doubt to escort the girl down to breakfast.  With a slight jangle of his keys he opened the cell door. The girl looked at him as he stared at her. She could see his thinly masked contempt for her.

She took only a moment to study him. He was tall, with a lanky figure. Normally they chose the more intimidating looking sentries, so she studied him further. He was new. Her regular guard was named "Craig" (well, she didn't actually know his name, but he looked like a Craig) and tended to spit at her whenever she looked him in the eye.

"Come on Rogue... you know the drill." The guard said. The girl did know. She did this three times a day. She would stand up, he would walk over, handcuff her through the bars, then grab her by my forearm and escort her down the stairs to breakfast. Then he would unlock the handcuffs only to re-cuff her to the table.

Lots of trust in this facility.

She stood up, deciding not to make a fuss this morning. That is... as long as he didn't mess with her. "Craig" did that a lot. Whether it be a sharp poke in the ribs or an 'accidental' foot knocking me over. She hoped "Robert" wasn't as foolish.

She had no idea what any of the guards name were. Most prison guards around here didn't wear name tags and weren't allowed to give their names to anyone inside the prison. This left her to guess.

The few that did introduce themselves... those were the men to be scared of. Those guys were often the ones that would be seen dragging some inmate into the "questioning room".

No one ever returned from the "questioning room".

As they walked down the long hallway to the steep staircase she stared at the guard. He was tall, with greasy blond hair and a very prominent nose. She stared at him for no other reason than to startle him. It didn't go unnoticed by her that many of these guards either hated her or feared her. She preferred to use that to her advantage.

This prison was much different from some of the others that she'd escaped from. For one, all the prison guards were male. She hadnt seen one female guard the entire 4 years that she'd been here. Second, the male and female inmates weren't separated. We roomed with, ate with, and even showered with, the opposite gender. Thankfully none of the males have tried to touch her. Yet.

Third, I am the only person here that has never killed someone.

There are supposedly over 5,000 shifters in this prison. Every single one  has either been convicted or confessed to murder. The funny thing about it is, most of them are okay with it. Some even pride themselves on the slaughtering of the innocent. That's why my role in this hellhole needs to stay the same.

The guard drops her off at the same table, the same seat, and cuffs the same hand as every other day for the last 4 years. She rolls her eyes at his smirk as be does it. He then goes over to the serving station and gets her a plate of food.

It's the same thing that all the inmates here get everyday. Rubbery eggs with a side of mystery meat, paired with a pile of slop that still makes her wonder of its ingredients. It's all served on a styrofoam plate with a matching cup full of water. No silverware utensils are allowed in the prison, so she learned to  eat with her hands.

The utensil rule probably happened because of her, she thought. . Three weeks after she'd arrived, she'd stabbed a girls eye out with a fork. She was 16.

Now, back to our story. She watched the crowd as she slowly picked at her food.  Each table was perfectly circular with five seats per table. Everyone's table was full except for hers. All the inmates wore the exact same thing. Yellow jumpsuits.

Another weird thing about this place, she was the only one handcuffed to a seat.

One would think her hostility towards eyeballs was to blame... but Leon Gavery choked Charlie Camerons to death last week over soup. She peered to the left, staring at his table. Table 5. Leon was currently sipping his water... handcuff free. Only another crazy thing added to the list of crazy things.

Its almost as if they want us to all start killing each other.

Because of her apparent disadvantage, certain measures had to be taken in order to not suffer the same fate as poor Charlie. Laying low... was not an option. I doubt I could count on both hands the number of people in here who are looking for an easy target. Someone trying to hide would only stick out.

On the flip side, was being the boss. Around here there were two bosses. A male, Leon Gavery, and a female Clarissa Adams. They were basiclly the prison version of Alpha and Luna. They were both cold blooded murders. I've seen many try to challenge both Leon and Clarissa. All have either ended up dead or horribly beaten. 16 year old me wanted nothing to do with 27 year old Clarissa's title of Alpha female.

That's how she ended up with her reputation now. She couldn't challenge Clarissa and hiding was suicide. She had decided that she was going to be very public. The shortest way of putting it would be; She made herself the craziest girl in a prison full of crazy people. I made myself unpredictable and volitale.

I made it seem like I was a mass murderer, I mean... it worked. Everyone beileved it. After all... I was a Rogue.... and Rogues were the most murderous of all.


The first chapter of Rouge is up!!! Enjoy!!!

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