Chapter Twenty-four : Melody

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"I've dug two graves for us, my dear.
Can't pretend that I was perfect leaving you in fear.
Oh man, what a world, the things I hear

If I could act on my revenge, oh would I?"

"Let's get out of here." I stated. We had to get Paige to a hospital. She was still too weak to do much, even lift her head.

I left that horrid cage and entered into the makeshift hallway of cages and watched as Paige's eyes wandered. Taking in her surroundings. Lord knows how long she had been in that crate for.

Her eyelids opened. Those stunning dark orbs searching the room.

I slowly began to walk forward. Phillip was following right behind me, keeping an eye out.

"Okay." He said. I could tell that Paige was still a little nervous around him. He was a black knight, she had been forced to run from people like him (like us) her whole life. It was understandable.

I sighed. She was afraid, but she was safe.

Phillip POV

Damain held onto the girl like she was his life support. She was bloody and wounded, most likely getting her blood all over hjs clothing, but he didn't seem to care.

I studied her. Her blonde hair made her black eyes seem striking. A combination that I've never seen before. Her face had a gray tint that made her look sick. Damian gazed at her with a look I'd hadnt seen in him before. An equal mix of love and pure awe.

I never thought I'd see the day where the frozen Prince finally melted. He had been so dedicated to winning the throne that he turned bitter towards everyone. If you hadnt known him before hks rivalry with his brother began, you would only see a cold hearted Bastard.

He was never been the liked Prince, he was sort of the Underdog. Almost all the Alphas Lunas petiotioned there vote to lie in Rapheal. Prince Damian had always been seen as the only thing standing in between Prince Rapheal and the throne. Many despised him for it. He (in there eyes) was the lesser Prince.

Of course, I never thought about it that way. I thought that Ralphy was a pretentious dickhead that had cruel tendencies. But, I was just one man, my opinions didn't really matter.

Until now, I was okay with that. I was confident that he'd pull through. That he'd make it.

Damain didn't understand how messed up his life was going to get. He could (and most likely would) lose everything. He acted like everything was going to be okay, but it's wasn't.

He now has the right to be King, but his mate is a Rouge. According to a stupid law that some jackass (the king) signed, he is now a Rouge too.

A Rouge can't sit on the Alpha King Throne. It disqualifies him. Rapheal will no doubt take over soon and will enforce some new bullshit laws. If he decides not to kill his own blood, he would send black knights after his now exiled brother. I wouldnt put it passed him to lead the group himself.

I can see it now, me having to track then execute my best friend.

I thought about rebelling. I thought trying to leave. To escape. Then I thought about the consequences. I would have to take Vanessa with me, she wouldn't let me leave without her. We'd have to go into hiding, if we ever got caught...We'd die along with Damain.

I couldn't do that.

Still, I worried. He would fight for her, I knew that. Rapheal would hate him for it. The only thing saving his sorry ass is the kings mercy. Until his father died and he found a mate, Rapheal couldn't take the throne.

And the only way that Damain could escape the law is for him to rewrite it.

He'd needed to be King.

Damian POV

I didn't know what the future held, but I know that it couldn't be any worse then what happened in the last two days. The pain was nothing. I could take the pain. The feeling that I was going to lose my mate, that it would be my fault.

That was the worst thing I've ever experienced in my life.

But now, Paige was in my arms, alive. That was all that mattered.

Something in the back of my head whispered doubts though. That maybe this wasn't the end. That all this came a little too easy. It's only logical, we walked in here, started breaking doors, screaming our lungs out. Yet no one has come to check on us.

We know for sure that Paige didn't torture herself. We know that she didn't turn all of the lights on. We also know that she didn't lock herself in an animal cage with a silver collar on her neck.

Something was screaming that this was a trap.

I flipped my head back to ask for Phillips advice. I had already opened my mouth to speak when a familiar voice hollered from up ahead.

"Wow. I guess I'd thought this would have taken longer. That was silly of me... to think that you wouldn't have ample access to a tracker..." a woman's voice said, echoing from nearby.

I snarled in warning.

Paiges eyes suddenly shot open. She began to lightly slap at my chest and arms in panic. I looked down at her in confusion as my arms tightened around her trembling form.

"Show yourself." Phillip growled from behind me. I heard the dull click of a loaded gun being cocked. Thankfully, it was just Phil.

"Mkay." The same voice surprisingly took in a very condescending tone.

I heard to slow click of women's heels as she rounded the corner. A sleek beige pantsuit rounded the corner. Her auburn red hair was straightened and parted straight down the middle.

Her cat like eyes showed clear as day when she released the rows of fangs in her smile. Despite hating it, I knew who she was. Only she could be behind this.

Dammit, Damian. Why did you think that Rapheal wouldn't dig up someone from your past.

Especially a crazy demonic witch with a thirst for revenge.


Song : Revenge - Xxxtentacion R.I.P


So... I was thinking about making a whole other book, just about the relationship of Phillip x Vanessa.

It will be a prequel to Rouge and will give a little more backstory into Phillips past. It will no doubt mention some of the characters in this book (i.e Damian, Rapheal, Tyrone, Joesph, etcetera).

If you think I should make this the next book in the "series" give this chapter some love.

R.I.P X. You will be missed.

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