Chapter Eight : Mates

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"Keep on trying to hide it, but your friends know..."

My group and I charged forward, all twelve of us prepared for a chase. I have to say that I was kind of excited. I was so tired of being the weak Prince, the lesser Prince.

The case of the escapee Rouge was already getting popular. The people would no doubt be hearing MY name in the spotlight, hearing about MY accomplishments and NOT my brothers. Just the mere thought made me all the more ready to kill this Rogue bitch.

Phillip flanked me as we charged through the crowds. I noticed that the buff security guard  was talking into a small walkie talkie, his large hand almost engulfing it. His lips moved rapidly,

"Initiate Lockdown".

I looked around me. All at once time seemed to slow. The citizens looked all stopped to stare at us. Some with fear... others with awe. The tough warriors that I brought on this escapade were quite fearsome. Some with visible scars, maring their features into horrible battle-ridden faces.

We moved almost leisurely. Our shiny black battle armour gleaming in the fluorescent lighting. The armour was more for the pictures than for an actual fight. But still.... I appreciated how badass it made us all look. Even gangly ginger-haired Phillip, looked absolutely lethal.

A large wolf-like grin spread across my face as I realized the fight was already won.

"What do we do know now, Your Highness?" Phillip asked me. You could tell that he was feeling the same adrenaline rush that I was.

"This is a lot of land to search... We split up." A chorus of "yes sir" and "will do, sir" was heard from my soldiers.

With a final nod, we separated.

Paige POV

Knew that I was in deep shit when a black knight rounded the corner to the food court.

I was just trying to enjoy my Subway sandwich that I paid with (stolen) cash. I was just sitting in a booth, minding my own business when I saw him. He was a tall ginger man with a matching beard. I could tell he was a tracker on the way his nostrils flared all while quickly scanning the food court.

Black knights were royal warriors of the King. They were the best of the best. Apparently I now had one tracking me.

I quickly advert my eyes. Staring is suspicious, Paige. What the hell was a black knight doing in a cheap food court in a mall... in the middle of nowhere?

He's here for you Paige... The voice in the back of my mind answered. Hide.

If I knew I knew anything about living in prison, it was that hiding in plain sight was the best type of camouflage. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and stood up. I pulled out the hat from a shopping bag and tugged it on, pulling it low over my eyes.

I casually picked up my food tray and dumped it into the trash bin. R.I.P turkey sandwich. I calmly walked towards the exit, extremely grateful that this food court had two exits. I could hear my heart pounding in my eyes. I risked a quick peek back at the knight. Be was now stopping at every table. Nostrils flaring. He was only 3 tables down from where I was sitting.

As soon as he got hold of my scent, he could follow me anywhere...

I easily picked up my pace, breaking into a light fast-walk. Had to get out quickly. I pushed against the steel doors of the exit and was instantly swarmed with people.

Act casual, Paige... join the crowd. The tracker couldn't have been here alone.

Only a few seconds later, I found that I was right. Only 10 yards away was another knight. He had a blonde woman by the shoulders, inspecting her. If I had any doubts that they were weren't looking for me, they were now gone.

Just before he could look up and spot me, I pulled a trick out if my new friend Rebecca's book and slid into the public bathroom on my right.

Safe... for now.

Damian POV

I watched from a distance as she walked out of the food court, barely missing Phillip. She kept her head down and made eye contact with no one. She fit the description of the Rouge to a tee. I was certain that she was the one we were looking for.

I watched as she warily eyed Joseph. Joseph was interrogation a blonde lady he thought was suspicious. Joseph was strong, but not very smart. I could tell from 50 feet back that the woman in his grasp was too old to be the Rogue. The Rogue was 20. Id get after him later.

I watched and waited as she quietly slinked into the women's bathroom. This bathroom didn't have a door just a long wall that separated the stalls from the public eye. She was so close. I almost had her.

Behind me Phillip emerged from the food court, about to tell me news that I already know. I silenced him with a pointed finger across the lips. I looked back at Joseph, he had let the woman go, apparently satisfied with her identity. I made a small gesture with my hand to call him over.

At once they both tuned in to my words.

"She's in there..." I whispered. Both men reached for the gun at there waists but, I stopped them. "Wait. You two stay here and guard the exits, wait for reinforcements, make sure she doesn't come out of that bathroom! I'll go in alone. If I'm not out in 5... come in after me."

If I said that I did it for the safety of my soldiers... I'd be lying. I went in alone purely for the glory of it. To say to my father and my brother that I single handedly killed the only Rouge to have escaped, ever. I basked it the righteoness of it all.

I slowly entered the restroom,  my leather boots making a light tap on the tile floors. A sharp intake of breath told me she knew I was here.

I rounded the corner only to come face to face with my mate. My mate the Rogue.


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