Chapter Six : Spite

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"You've got the devil, in your eyes."

Damian  POV

"My king, a Rouge has escaped from the prison..." he told my father. The informant was James Stuffer, a representative from the BloodStream pack. This pack in particular was one of two packs that bordered the largest prison on the continent. It makes sense why they would be the first to know.

"What do you mean 'Escaped?" My brother Rapheal exclaimed from beside me. He agreed the most with Fathers ideology about Rogues, that they were murderous beasts. James quickly turned to Rapheal.

"Merely a girl, Sire... It's name is Paige Carter. Only 20 years of age. Not a threat we can't handle." James answered. Dispite giving affirmation, his body language showed obvious fear. I doubt his fear came from the Rouge though.

Standing at 6'3 my brother toward over James. Rapheal's normal happy-go-lucky expression disappeared and was replaced by an twisted sneer. Even without his title as Prince, Rapheal wasn't someone you should be messing with.

"It doesn't matter. We will deal with it ourselves." My father's weak voice drifted up from the bed. He had been bedridden for a little over a year now. Cancer, the doctor said. The one sickness even werewolves can't beat.

He still held the title as king and he would until he died. However, after he croaked it was a foot race between Rapheal and I to see who could find their mate first. To be the Alpha King, you needed to have a potential Luna Queen first. I was determined to be King... Even if it meant killing my own brother to do so... But finding a mate would be easier for both of us.

I've always hated the way my father looked down upon Rouges.  Don't get me wrong, I don't like them either but, I still don't wish the slaughter them. At least not all of them.

My brother however ... was a different story altogether.

He took my father's legacy and enhanced it mega fold. He wish to exterminate all Rouges, and "encourage" no one to become a Rouge. He was very hardcore about their death. Ever since he was 16, he's led out search parties for the beasts. Always finding a way to be victorious.

Once, when he was 19, he stayed out for 2 whole weeks with his search party, tracking a small pack of Rouges down south. I went one one of his hunts once, we were out for 3 days tracking down a large male in California. Once we wore out the beast, Rapheal pounced on him. Let's just say that I've never seen such a merciless act in my life.

He slaughtered the Rogue like a pig, just as the man was pleading for him and his children's life. Rapheal killed the male, then tracked down his family and murdered them too. Three little boys. Triplets. Barely 3 years old. Dead.

Father became real proud of him after that.

"Let me gather a search party. I can g-"

"No. The people are starting to think you cruel, Rapheal. I think your methods of execution are just fine but, the people's opinions matter more than mine do. " My father stated, cutting off Rapheal completely. For being almost paralyzed, he held a surprising amount of authority in his voice. It was not often the King told his favorite son 'no'.

"Then let me." I don't know why I said it. Something about that  cold night in California... It disturbed me. I didn't want Rapheal to do that. I could end the girls life... The humain way.

My father looked up at me from his pillow. Shock written all over his features. I had never done something like this before. I had always preferred politics over slaughtering. I like to train the soldiers for combat... not lead them to it.

"So be it then. It's about time that you proved yourself to be the King that the kingdom deserves." That was all he cared about nowadays. Making sure that I was capable of killing Rogues should I find my mate before Rapheal. He didnt want me to have the throne but, he was aware there was a real chance that I could. I hated my father, hating him with every fiber of my being. I could give a shit whether he lived or died, anyway.

"But Fath-" Rapheal started but was silenced by my father's cold glare.

"This is final." Father said before laying back even deeper into the pillows and closing his eyes. It became obvious that we were dismissed. Both my brother and I bowed before making our way over to the door.

Just before my hand reached the doorknob, Rapheal turned to me. Him and I were the same height which I knew bothered him.

"Don't choke, little brother." He whispered in my ear. Malice was laced through every word.

"Fuck off, Ralph." I spat, using the nickname I knew he hated. "We are the same age!"

"I'm 10 months older." He calmly explained. My head snapped snapped towards him and I finally lost my temper. I looked him dead in the eye and whisper yelled,

"We are BOTH 22 you ignorant fuck." I stared at him. Rapheal loved to think himself superior to me because he was father's favorite. He was a proud fool. Although... deep down I know that he was scared of losing the crown, he wanted it just as much as I did.

Greedy Bastard.

I stomped past him, out of Fathers chambers and into the dark hallway of the castle. I had a search party to form.

Rogue ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ