Chapter Eleven : The Hotel Room

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"My love has the power to keep you tied down."

Paige POV

I've sat on the edge of this bed for a hour now. Waiting.

I signed in at a cheap Motel 6 on the outer limits if town. I went under the name of 'Jane Castiel' just as Damian said. I got a room and it took every part of my willpower not to pass out on the bed.

And to think, just this morning... I woke up in an Isolation room.

I didn't know how Damian was going to find me, there had to be a plethora of hotels or motels in this city. I could be at any one of them, for all he knew.

Damian never set an arrival time. That meant I didn't know when he'd show up. I wasn't going to go into my fears of him betraying me and leading a platoon of black knights on my doorstep. That might just make me crack.

I was both physically and mentally exhausted. It surprised me how out of shape I truly was. I needed to hit the gym if I made it out of this motel alive.

I finally gave into my exhaustion a few minutes later.  I laid my head back on the cheap pillows. My eyelids felt heavy and I couldn't fight the need for sleep any longer. My eyes shut and I was out like a light in seconds. 

-2 hours later-

Tap. Tap. Tap.

A sharp knock rang against the door. Someone was here.

I quickly bolted out of bed, fear coursing through my veins. How long had I been asleep...? I carefully tiptoed over to the door and looked through the peephole.

It was him. My mate. His face still being able to render me speechless. He had changed out of his armour and was now wearing a tan sweater along with dark wash jeans. His strong arms flexed through his shirt, making me swoon.

I unlocked the door to let him in.

Damian POV

It took me a long time to persuade Phillip to let me go alone. He kept telling me the risks and dangers of the whole escapade, trying to convince me to let him go with me.

After several hours of debate, the daft fool let me go.

So, here I was... standing face to face with the most stunning person I had ever seen. Paige Carter. The Rouge.

She looked up at me from tired eyes, her clothing the same from when I last saw her at the mall.  She tilted her delicate head on the side of the door as she gripped the knob. My mate gave me a cute little smile as she gestured with her free hand for me to come in. Behind her sleepy eyes, she held a whole new emotion. One I hoped too never see again. Fear.

I walked inside the tiny motel room. It was tacky to say the least, crimson red walls with yellow curtains. Like a room in a 90's television sitcom. There was one bed, and a small bathroom with a shower. Not even a TV. I wondered where she got the money to pay for it.

"So, what's the plan?" Paige calmly stated from somewhere behind me. I flipped around, my boots squeaking. She stared at me, her hands on her hips and hair in a disarray. She looked stunning in that just-got-out-of-bed look. It suited her.

"I haven't the slightest idea..." I answer truthfully. I didn't know what to do next, probably because I didn't think about it. I have never been one to plan ahead. I was more of a live-in-the-now type guy. For most of my life, I was ok with that. Now, I hate it.

"Damian... can you tell me me what's really going to happen to us if we get caught?" She asked me, her voice going down an octave. I sighed deeply and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

"Well, we would be executed, to put it simply."

"Shit." She took a seat next to me and pressed her index finger to her temple. Stressed. "Me, I understand. The law says that I'm just a filthy Rouge. You... why the hell would they charge you of treason?"

"Because I'm Prince Damian Eros. The king says that me being your mate makes me your accomplice, even if I hadn't done anything. It's the law."

She stood up from off the bed, "First... You are a PRINCE! Why didn't you tell me?" I moved to answer her, but she interrupted me "Hold that thought. Second, does the law say that? That's stupid! You didn't do anything!" I found it adorable about how she cared more for my safety than her own. I understood it though. I could give a shit about me, but if she got hurt... I'd never forgive myself. 

"I can't change it unless I take the crown. I had nothing to do with its signing, I promise."

"So thats it then, huh?" She said, disbelieve evident in her voice. Her lower lip began to quiver.

"Hey, hey... Let's not think about tomorrow, eh? Let's start over. Lets not tell everyone we met in a shopping mall bathroom. What do you say?" I stood up and stuck out my hand for a handshake. "Hello, I am Prince Damian Alexander Eros. Nice to meet you."

She stared at me for a long time before hesitantly putting her hand in my now glove-less palm. My hand practically engulfed her dainty one. Sparks flew up my arm as our hands touched. She seemed so fragile, like a beautiful china doll. I wanted to protect her from all of the world's horrors.

"Hi, I'm Paige Annabell C-carter. Nice to meet y-you." Her sweet voice came out a little shaky. She gave me a nervous smile. I really wanted to scoop up her tiny body and hug all the fear away.

As I looked into her dark obsidian doe eyes, the world somehow came to a stop. For a moment, just a moment, the world was okay. There were no malicious kings and forbidden love, just us. Me and her. Together.

And that was okay.

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