Chapter Three : Clarissa

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"The fuck do you want, bitch" I snapped at her. I was not in the mood for her dominating bullshit.

"Who the hell do you think you are, huh?" She growled back at me. Clarissa grew steadily closer now. She was leaning over the table, her green eyes meeting my near black ones. She was truly ugly. Her acne ridden face also sported three monster moles, only adding to her... charm. Clarissa was 31 now, time had done nothing for her ugliness.

"A pissed off crazy chick that's about to claw your eyes out if you keep blowing that rancid breath in my face!" Her eyes widened and her face contorted. She was angry... really angry. Good, the only thing Clarissa knew was violence. Thinking about my late family put me in a violent mood, if Clarissa wantes a fight... I was more than willing to give it to her.

There was only one small thing that held me back though. I looked down at my left hand. Still handcuffed. Shit.

Clarissa followed my gaze.

Her face changed immediately. A once twisted snarl transformed into a malicious and smug grin as she took in my trapped state. Her pupils dilated and her chapped lips parted.

"Trapped. Like a little chihuahua at the end of its leash, thinking it can fuck with the big dogs. Cute... dontcha think?" She finished with a cackle. If there was thing I hated most about Clarissa, it was her laugh. It gave nails on a chalkboard a run for its money.

"Take a swing at me... then we will see how much this cuff truly limits me..." I stated with an icy glare. Clarissa was no threat to me. She was made of bluffs.

Clarissa has killed many people in her stay here. She doesn't do it like Leon does though... Leon doesn't bluff. Leon will grab you by the neck and strangle you before the guards can taser him. Clarissa will sneak into your cell at night and slit your throat with a shard of mirror that she broke. Two different types of killing, the same objective.

Clarissa would no doubt have killed my by now had it not been for my Rouge status. If I weren't a Rouge, then there wouldn't be a prison guard at the cell door every night to make sure I don't escape.

Guard at door = No Clarissa
No Clarissa = I stay alive

"Why don't you just tell me why the fuck your over here in the first place, Clarissa." No more bullshit.

"How can I not!" She replied with a snort, "Just look at you... sitting there all high and mighty. Thinkin' that your better than us cuz your a Rouge" she practically spat at the floor while saying that title. I let out a small chuckle.

Clarissa wasn't out to get me. She just wanted a fight. If she was really mad at me, she would have come up with a better excuse that that. I just so happened to be an easy target in her mind.

Let's show her that she's wrong.

I stood up. Clarissa and I were relatively the same height. She had longer arms than me and I knew for a fact that she carried heavy hands. I was a bit leaner than her and I bet that I was faster too. While Clarissa doesn't go for the kill in public like Leon, she still has had her fair share of nasty fights.

But, then again, so have I. I was younger than her, me at 20, her at 31. I could take a hit better than she could. I thought back to what my brothers taught me about fighting. I searched for anything that could help me.

My brothers only taught me how to fight in wolf form. That couldn't work here. The administration injects the life sentence inmates with a medium dosage of silver, It renders us unable to shift into our wolves. It basiclly kills it without the human side noticing. I haven't seen my wolf in 4 years. Even if I could somehow call upon her, she would be very weak.

I quickly ran the logistics of this fight in my head. I was at a disadvantage due to being handcuffed. I could still kick though. Maybe... If I could somehow get my hands behind her head, I could slam her head down on the table or the seat. That could work, right?

If worst comes to worst... I just get the guards attention and he would light the bitch up with his taser.

There's no fun in that though.

"Come at me then, bitch. From what I've seen you're all bark and no bite." Her smiling facade suddenly dropped. In about 2 seconds she was on me.

She snarled like a wolverine. Hissing and roaring at the same time. She grabbed my shoulders and tried to slam me down onto the table. But just before my skull hit the table top, I landed my foot right on her stomach and kicked as hard as I could. She landed with a thud a few feet away, the wind knocked out of her lungs.

That's right, bitch. I ain't going down without a fight.

She was back up and ready in no time. Now even more pissed. My lips pulled back into a fearsome snarl and a low growl rolled in the back of my throat. She leaped at me, aiming her hands to fit right at my neck. I jumped out of the way just in time, but she grabbed onto my jumpsuit and jerked me closer to her. She swift punch on me before she went for the mega blow

With one hand gripping my jumpsuit and one hand forming a large fist, I knew I had to act fast. Clarissa was slow, but she hit hard. I had to take advantage of  her slowness.

Just as she was about to strike me, I pulled my fist up and landed a nasty uppercut to her chin. The Knockout Button. I knew that I wasn't able to put enough strength into that punch to knock her out cold... but I could make her dizzy. Her eyes slightly rolled and she stumbled back slightly. Slightly was all I needed. I put both my hands on either side of the table behind my back.

I then curled my kees to my chest so that my feet were directly inline with her chest.

Then I kicked.

For a moment, ugly Clarissa was flying.

She hit the floor with a loud thunk. Her head smacked onto the floor twice and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. All tension drained from her muscles and I knew she was out cold.

Huh... I thought that this would have taken longer.

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