Chapter Fourteen : Guardian

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There's a moment, in your bones when...

When the fire takes over..."

For a moment, just a moment... Damain was terrifying...

He stood in from of the motel room... her room, maintaining dead eye contact with each and every one of us. Daring us all to try and hurt his mate. His dark brown eyes ablaze.

Joesph still lay unconscious on the floor, I couldn't tell if he was even breathing. He had suffered massive skull wounds and his blood laid in a large puddle around his head.

We had to get him out of here.

"Everyone, the Captain has made up his mind. The Rouge will not be harmed." I hissed. The rest of the knight looked back at me, incredulously. Tyrone looked at me as if I had betrayed him.

I had a feeling that something really bad was about to happen.

"Are you kidding me? He killed Joe! He's trying to protect the Rouge! How do we know that HE hasn't gone Rouge too?" Tyrone spoke up, breaking the silence. A few of the guards slightly nodded in agreement. He was winning them over.

Damian said nothing.

God, shut up Tyrone!

"Watch your tongue, soldier! This is your future King that you're speaking to! Have some respe-"

"That's not true though is it? Prince Rapheal is older than the Captain, he has just as much right to be King as Damian does!" The rebellious knight rang. His face had turned a dark red in anger. He knew full well that only certain individuals were aloud to call any member of the royal family by their first name, yet he did it anyway.

That Prick.

I had almost forgotten, Tyrone was Rapheals strongest supporter. He would follow the cruel Prince off a cliff, if he could. Tyrone also strongly believed in the idea of all Rouges being exterminated.

Damian only growled, still opting to remain silent.

I knew that there were only three paths this conversation could end up being. One, I side with the Prince and risk being prosecuted for treason. Two, I side against him and let the guards try to capture him (this one was the best option, he would at most likely be only questioned about his actions). 

Three, I expose his secret. Letting the whole world know that his mate was a Rouge. The soldiers would then see him as a Rouge accomplice and take him into custody along with Paige.

I couldn't do the first option, I knew that. If I sided with with him, the soldiers would only agree with Tyrone that we were acting suspicious. That and, it might put both Vanessa (my mate) and I in trouble if this goes any further.

I'm sorry my friend, but my family comes first.

"Soldiers, stand down. I want a private word with the Prince." I moved to pull Damian away from the door, over to privacy.

He wouldn't move. He stood his ground, continuing to give us that unnerving glare. This boy was a goner.

"Soldiers, pick up Joesph, get him to a hospital." This man wasn't going to be moving anywhere anytime soon.

"Phillip... what if he does to you what he did to Joesph." A lanky guard named Evan asked.

"You have a gun?" I asked him. He frantically nodded.

"Shoot him."

Damian POV

I didn't know what to expect when Phillip made the guards leave. I was angry at him for leading the guards here in the first place, but I understood why. I would have done the same thing.

"Listen man, my hands are tied. I want to help you... I do. Your stuck in a downhill spiral." He started, "That's why I think you need to go along with my plan. To save both you and Paige."

I nodded, suddenly very somber.

"You need to go home. You're the Prince, they won't hurt you. Stay away from her for a little while.

What do you think is gonna happen if they find out why you hurt Joe? Tyrone is already suspicious, what you did there was a very mate thing to do.

You're only killing her by trying to save her."

I grabbed Phillip by the steel armour in his chest, pulling him so that we were inches apart.

"Shut the fuck up, Tracker." I snapped at him, spit flying in his face.

"First of all, thats disgusting. Second, you can hurt me like you hurt Joe, I won't stop you. But you'd do it because you knew Im right."

I pushed him away from me, disgusted. Either at him or me. He stumbled backwards, almost falling before catching himself. My face fell.

He was right, I guess I always knew that. That someday, our futures would catch up to us. We really were damned from the start.

Paige and I had to separate, for now at least. I would find a way to break it to my family and then reunite with her in the end.

That's not going to work, Damian. The nagging voice in the back of my head said.

It has to.

Phillip was right and I hated it.

Phillip POV

The Princes face fell and I could suddenly see all the fear he held back. Anger, sadness, and stress all shown in his eyes, but they were all overridden by raw fear.

He was afraid... desperately so.

I could only imagine what he might be thinking. Having to leave your mate was one of the most painful experiences a wolf could have. Paige was in danger and Damian had to leave her to save her.

This is whole thing is like a crappy soap opera.

"Okay. Just let me say goodbye." I nodded my head.

"I'll let the boys know that I'm still alive." He let out a half hearted chuckle at that. I suddenly felt guilty. Guilty that I couldn't help him more.

With a parting glance at Damian, I stepped over the large blood puddle and down the hallway. I stepped into the small elevator just as he walked into the motel room.

Good Luck, Rouge...

Rogue ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz