Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 24

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Chapter 24

I stared in shock as my 3 least favorite people descended the stairs. My surprise must of shown on my face, because Natalie kept on throwing evil smirks my way, while Janey and Heather didn't even bother to look at me.

"What the heck are you guys doing here?" I asked in a blank voice.

"Why, Janey invited us over. Wasn't that nice of her?" Nat asked innocently.

"Just lovely." I mumbled sarcastically. Rachel came out carrying 2 bowls of spaghetti and placed them gently on the table. She turned to go back for the other 3 bowls, when Heather stopped her.

"Wait- how many calories are in this?"Heather asked, flicking a disgusted look at the bowl of spaghetti.

"Dear god, I don't know, but you're welcome to go dig the boxes out of the trash and find out." Rachel replied sweetly. Wow, go Rachel!

"No it's ok, Rachel." Heather said, sliding into a chair.

"It's Mrs. Sinclair to you." Rachel said, walking back into the kitchen. I went to help her, but not before I heard Heather call Rachel a bitch. I walked over to the counter and picked up a bowl.

"Rachel, do they really have to stay for dinner? All they're going to do is annoy us." I said, as Rachel picked up the last 2 bowls.

"I know, but I already promised 'her' that they could stay for dinner." Rachel answered in a tone of regret. She paused right inside the door of the kitchen to collect herself, before walking back to the dining room.

When I got to the dining room, I froze for a second. I had 2 options: I could sit sandwiched between Rachel and Heather or Janey and Heather. It's not much of a competition, I thought as I walked over to the seat next to Rachel.

"So, how did you guys meet?" Rachel asked the skanks, once all of us were in our seats.

"Well, Nicole was the one that brought us together." Janey said, wearing a smug expression

"Glad I could help." I said dryly.

"So are we." Heather said, sneering at me. God, I wanted to hit her so badly, but I resolved myself to stabbing my spaghetti instead.

"Anyways, how's Tess?" Natalie asked, goading me.

"You have no right to ask about her." I hissed, anger starting to flood my brain.

"Oh really, because if I recall correctly I wasted 2 years on that ugly whore's friendship. If that doesn't give me the right, then I don't know what does." She said smirking at me. I opened my mouth to say more, but Rachel beat me to the punch.

"I'm sorry, but if you have a problem with my daughter, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave. The door's right there." Rachel said calmly, standing up and pointing towards the door. Go Rachel!

"Nope, no problems here. " Janey said arrogantly, smirking at me.

"I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Nicole. So if you would be so kind as to escort your 'friends' to the door, then we can all get on with our lives." Rachel said, picking up Natalie and Heather's untouched bowls and carrying them into the kitchen, while the skanks sat there stunned.

"What are you waiting for?" Rachel asked, poking her head out from the kitchen. "You're not going to magically float to the door, you have to get up off your anorexic asses and walk. God it's girls like you that give us a bad name."

I couldn't help but laugh, earning me glares from the sluts and a half smile from Rachel. I quickly got up from my chair, almost knocking it over in the process and ran into the kitchen before bursting out into a fit of laughter. I was laughing so hard, tears were rolling down my cheeks.

"That... was... hilarious." I said in between gasps of air. Rachel smiled and watched me until I calmed down.

"I meant what I said out there. You're the daughter I never had." Rachel said prompting me to look up at her. Her eyes were shining with love and adoration. It had been a while since someone had looked at me like that. After mom died dad had become withdrawn. I felt my eyes start to tear up.

"Thanks... Mom." I whispered hesitantly. Rachel's eyes filled with tears as she engulfed me in a warm hug. She drew back to say something when an ear splitting screech pierced the air, followed by the sound of shattering glass. Rachel and I took one look at each other before running out of the kitchen.

What we saw froze up in our tracks. Janey had thrown a rock at the coffee table, smashing the glass top and was getting ready to throw one of the many flower vases that littered the house.

"Don't say anything, be as quiet as you can and go to your room." Rachel whispered so quietly I barely heard her, her eyes still glued to Janey. I opened my mouth to ask why, but the fear on her face had me closing my mouth.

I slowly made my way towards the stairs, trying to stay out of sight, while Janey continued throwing things. I was halfway across the room, when I heard Rachel moan in pain. I looked back and realized Janey had thrown a glass cup at her. Blood ran down Rachel's arm and dripped onto the carpet. I gasped in shock, causing Janey to whirl on me, her eyes wild.

"You! It's all your fault!" Janey yelled. There was so much hate in her voice, that I took a step back in fear.

"She's never done anything to you." Rachel tried to reason with her, before going back to picking glass out of her arm, yelping whenever she had to dig a piece out.

"Yes, she did! She's stealing everything from me; first my friends, then my boyfriend and now you." Janey yelled tears streaming down her red cheeks. "Who's next? Heath?"

"Who?" I asked curiosity temporarily overriding fear.

"My brother." She said quietly, before continuing. "No, I won't let you steal anyone else from me." She declared as she picked up a particularly large vase. Fear returned in a suffocating wave as she raised the vase above her head, getting ready to throw it at me.

Suddenly the front door burst open. Dad and a tall blond guy stood there each equally shocked by the scene before them.

"Rachel what's going on?" Dad asked in an even voice, his steady green gaze taking in the situation before him.

"Nothing, John. We'll talk about it later." Rachel said, her eyes darting between Janey, the blond boy and me.

"Aww, Janey. What've you done this time?" Blondie asked, his eyes flickering to me, before darting around the room. His warm chocolate eyes surveyed the damage warily, almost like he was use to it.

"What are you doing here?" Janey asked in shock, the vase still raised above her head; my fear refused to go away, until the vase was taken out of her hands.

"I came home early." He said casually, walking over to take the vase from her hands. I watched the play of muscle beneath his shirt as he did and automatically compared him to Tyler. A wave of mind numbing grief washed over me at the thought of him. Stupid Heather, this is all her fault, I thought, resentment burrowing deep into my brain.

Then I realized that I had no clue who the guy was.

"Wait- who are you?" I asked, as the fear ebbed.

"I'm Heath."


thx for reading

i know my uploading schedule is WAY off, but i go back to school in like 3 days, so i'm a little frazzled doing summer homework.

anyways, pls vote & comment.

= ]

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