Who said girls can't get down and dirty with boys 3

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Chapter 3

"WHAT?" Tyler yelled. He looked like he was going to be sick. I looked around at some of the other players. They were glaring at me like I had killed their moms.

"Drake said you would react like this. That's why I have to prove to you that I'm 'worthy' on the team." I said putting air quotes on the word worthy. "I have to play a 1 on 1 game against all of you."

"Fine, you can choose who you wanna play first." Ty said, looking relieved. They don't expect me to win, I realized. I looked over the group of boys.

"You" I said pointing at the boy I had seen in the goal before. He had short blond hair and electric blue eyes. He was, maybe 5'10 with broad shoulders and a lean build.

"Matt" Ty yelled. "You're up.

"That's fine with me. It's not like she stands a chance." Matt said.

I ignored his last comment and made my way towards the field. "What position do you play?"

"Goalie. Why?" Matt answered, his voice dripping with pride.

'Cause now I know that you suck at offense, I though. "No reason."

"You can start with the ball, since you're a girl." Matt said arrogantly.

"Cocky, aren't you?" I asked, my temper slowly starting to boil.

"I see no reason not to be." He said, a stupid smirk playing over his features.

"Don't underestimate a girl" I whispered to him. I turned to Tyler. "Start the game."

"Rules first. No hitting or kicking. No hands, that means no goalie, Matt. And stay in bounds. Other than that anything goes, first to score wins." Tyler said. "One... Two... Three... START!

I flicked the ball over Matt's head, and to the left. I sprinted around him, dribbling towards the goal. Let's make this quick, I thought. He was coming up behind me fast. I got my toe under the ball and shot it into the goal. It sunk into the top right corner of the goal. Matt and the rest of the team were staring at me with shock.

"That was too easy." I whined. "The game barely lasted a minute."

"Damn how'd she do that?" One of the boys whispered. He had dark spiky hair and dark brown eyes that were almost black. He was almost 6'0 and had the same build as Matt.

"You. What's your name?" I asked, totally pissed.

"Jermey, the best left forward this school has ever seen." He said, puffing out his chest in pride.

"Good, a challenge. Come play with me." I demanded. Snickers erupted from the team. Do all teenage boys have dirty minds, I though.

"I'll go easy on you. I'd hate for this game to be over too quickly." He said.

Gosh, I'm surprised these boys can fit their egos through the door, I thought. "Whatever, let's just play."

Tyler started to count down."One... Two... Three.... START!"

I faked left, then sprinted right with the ball. He kicked the ball through my legs, so that it rolled a couple feet in front of me. I let him take it, so that the game would last longer. He took the ball and jogged towards the other goal. I sprinted up behind him and pulled the same trick that he pulled. I ran ahead of him and took the ball. I turned to see him standing in my way, with his legs spread apart. I turned and ran full speed at him. I kicked the ball between his legs, the slid between them and popped up on the other side, with the ball. We were still at the halfway line. I aimed for the bottom left corner, anyways and it flew into the net easily.

"Dude, she beat you and she's not even tired yet." Jake yelled.

"Shut up you d*ck. I wanna see you beat her." He yelled back

"Nope. " I said , surprising both of them. "I'm saving Jake and Tyler for the end. Who's next."

The rest of the games, were just as easy as the first two.

Now only Jake and Tyler were left.


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