❺ C r u e l a s a m o n s t e r

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Look into my eyes,
It's where my demons hide.



   I scrolled down my phone, reading an article about Sharon Carter at Astoria Park. It's actually such a shame, because I didn't plan to kill at all, i mean, at least not in a couple of weeks, but agent Barnes forced me to.

Detective Steve Rogers... Widower, alcoholic, is now involved in the case. He refused it at first, and I would have left him alone, but then Sharon, oh dear Sharon Carter, stepped into his life in a very wrong moment.

Now that I killed her, Rogers is in the games, and I'm so ready to play.

"Bro! Bro! Have you heard (Y/n) Stark was kidnapped?!" Ned Leeds, one of those who was convinced to think that they were one of my friends asked.

"(Y/n) Stark, the singer?" I played dumb.

"Yes! Last night dude! They said The Spider captured her!"

"No way... Why is that Psychopath not caught yet? He's been killing for too long now."

"I know right! No... (Y/n) is my angel, her new song just released too. I read the news and they said Tony Stark is freaking the fuck out. Why her? Why!" He groaned.

Because she's in my basement Ned. People like you don't deserve to even lay eyes on her.

But it's over now, the Spider and his stories will disappear forever with (Y/n) Stark, vanish, leaving no traces, like a smoke into thin air. I won't kill anymore.

   Unless, someone wants to mess with us.

   The teacher entered the room, taught us what we don't really need to use, all I could think was (Y/n). I hope she likes her lunch, I made them myself and I am a pretty good cook.

   What should we do this dinner? Our first night together. I'll cook for her, I should probably visit a grocery store and buy something back home, like a movie, I read her magazine interview and it said she likes heroes movie.

   "Parker. Are you still with us?" The teacher asked, I looked back at Mrs Lee, she is an old lady, with red hair, and she took me for a, poor, orphan, innocent boy.

   "I'm sorry, Mrs Lee. I spaced out.." I played the Teacher's pet Peter Parker.

   "It's alright. Just pay attention okay? So you can still have your scholarship." She suggested.

   I faked a smile to her.

   Classes ended, i hurried up and grabbed my bag, (Y/n)'s waiting, but I bursted out the door into someone.

  "Oh! Hey! Peter."

   "..." I looked up to see Liz Allan... ugh, god, again... "Hey, Liz."

   "You look hurried. Are you having a date or something?" She chuckled, brushed her hair off her face.

   "Oh, no." I chuckled along because that's what normal people do, they always smile like a fucking idiot. "I'm questioning myself that i left muffin in the over."

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