Andrew Lincoln and Jon Bernthal

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I feel like I need to adress this as I had a few people ask me how I feel, so if you're interested, carry on reading!

So, starting with Jon

Good ol' Jon.

He's been seen on set with Andrew and Norman, it's been on Instagram so there was a lot of speculation as to what he was doing.

I think there's been conformation tbat he's there to film an episode but I think he's only coming back for 1.

This leads me to believe that there may be a flashback scene when the get rid of Andrew.

That leads me nicely onto Andrew and his leave.

So it's been reported by many credible sources that Andrew Lincoln is leaving after season 9.

However, AMC and FOX haven't confirmed this so it's not yet official but he's rumoured to only be in 9 episodes.

Seen as though they've had Jon back on set, I think there could be a few flashback scenes, or maybe Rick wakes up and it was all fake or it was a prediction of the future. It'd be disappointing but, what else can we have? Robert Kirkman has already said they won't find a cure so maybe the walkers just die off.

Who knows but with Andrew leavinf I think the amount of views will drop. They'll lose money and probably end the series.

Just my 10 pence, feel free to discuss!

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