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Todays lesson: apostrophes.

Does this not stress anyone else out?

When you see people put 'would'nt' instead of 'wouldn't'

It annoys me.

Or when people put the wrong your/you're. Apostrophes are -in my opinion- one of the easiest things to remember.

The purpose of apostrophes are to join two words together or to show something blongs to someone. Some  examples of joining words together:

Wouldn't = would not

  Replace the O with an apostrophe

Simple? Yes.

I'll list a few just so people know some.

Couldn't = could not

Shouldn't = should not

Haven't = have not

Wouldn't = would not

Can't = can not *Cannot is also acceptable*

Could've = Could have

Should've = should have

Now onto your/you're.

Your is possessive.


Is that your banana?

Smiling, you zipped your coat up.

Get me? Good.

You're is like could've, it joins two words together; in this case, it joins you and are together.


You're going to fall if you aren't [are not] careful!

You're in trouble.

J ust some pro tips right there for ya.

Thank you

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