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Hey, so, this isn't a chapter but it's still important and something I feel needs talking about.


I hope I caught your eye, and I bet I did.

It's something that takes many people's lives every year, second, minute, week, month and day.

""According to WHO, approximately  commit suicide each year worldwide, that is about one death every 40 seconds or 3,000 per day. For each individual who takes his/her own life, at least 20 attempt to do so. Suicide has a global mortality rate of 16 per""

That figure is absolutely mad. Crazy. Bazaar.

How are so many people able to take their lives? It's simple. They don't know where to go if they are having suicidal thoughts.

I know at least 4-5 people that are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts and I'm helping them, along with others. Obviously we're not professionals but sometimes just talking, helps.

If you need help and have no one to talk to, you can talk to me anytime.

I'll always be here to listen because I know how hard it is, and I know how difficult it is to talk about it.

I won't judge you because I've been there. I know how you feel.

If you read this, please spread the message because honestly, suicide isn't talked about enough, whether it's because it's sad, dark topic or because people are choosing to ignore it, we need to change it.

Suicide hot lines

Uk - 116 123 (Samaritans)

Uk - 0800 1111 (NHS choices)

Us - 116 123 (Samaritans) (Same as Uk)

Us - 1 800 784 2433 (Treatment Advocacy centre)

They may be different for each country. But please, look. If you need help, seek it.

Thank you for reading.

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