Turn Up The Music, You Hiefer

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Hey guys!! I was gonna update sooner but I got distracted a lot. And lazy. Buuuuut..... I posted!!!



I stared at my brother for a good 5 minutes. The only thing that was separating us was the kitchen island. That fucker is so lucky because I would so whip his ass if his thing wasn't in front of me. Blocking him from extreme pain.

"I'm going to say this as calmly as possible. Put the phone back, and no one gets hurt." I told him. They say violence is never the answer. But if he doesn't put back my phone, violence WILL be the answer.

Liam smirked - he actually smirked! My iPhone dangled from his hands clearly showing my song set on pause. My eyes narrowed at this.

"I don't think I want to put it back. A moment of silence would really be nice." he replied. I took a deep breath. Ha! Who says I need anger management now?

"Liam, if you don't put the phone back on the doc right now, I swear to god I will chop off your dick and shove it so far up your ass, that you will be having unprotected gay sex with yourself for the rest of your life.". I threatened. Wow. I gotta say, that was a good threat. I even impressed myself.

Liam's face turned to one of disgust.

"Now that's just nasty." he said, scrunching up his nose.

"Forget about that!" I snapped. "Just put the phone back."


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me quite well, I believe."

I tackled him after that, jumping over the island like a kangaroo and bringing him straight to the ground. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started chocking the shit out of him.

"What the hell is your problem?! Why can't you be smart and do the right thing by listening to me? You pathetic piece of trash! That was Three Days Grace you turned off. FUCKING THREE DAYS GRACE. You sure don't have any grace in you, you heifer!"

"It...was just...a song...stop...choking...me!" Liam gasped out. I let go of his neck and started to pound at his hard chest. But he acted like it didn't faze him at all. Humph. Stupid male.

"It was just a song. I don't get why you're so - wait did you just call me a female cow?"

I stopped for a second. When the hell did I call him a - ohhhhh, I remember. Jeez. I have horrible memory.

"Yeah, cuz you are!" I replied, crossing my arms and turning away from him, pouting.

Liam pushed me off of him - rude - and stood up, dusting off his blue jeans.

I remains on the floor, glaring at his back as if it ate my last cookie. Stupid back.

"You're not my brother anymore Liam!" I shouted after him.

"Good to know." he called back lazily.

"I'll never speak to you again!"




"And I'm gonna tell Jimmy to piss all over your bed and not change the sheets again!"

"How exciting - wait, what do you mean again?!"

Shit. Well I guess that's my cue to run.

Cackling like an evil person, I ran away from my furious brother like a madwoman.



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