Chapter 1

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You're all probably really confused as to what's going on right now. Well, my name is Mary and my idiot sister Jane ran away. We come from a perfectly normal family, except we aren't normal. Our original bloodline is of those of vampires. Yeah, vampires. Crazy right? We were brought into this mortal family after a great tragedy happened back in ours.

When humans found our vampire campsite, everyone had to evacuate. Siblings were lost, baby vamps were trampled on, and families were torn apart. Jane, being 10 at the time and me being 8 were left out into the world to venture out and find ourselves. We came across a beautiful family that treated us like their own. We now had two human siblings-a 3 year old little brother and a newborn baby girl.

We told our new family anything and everything, except the fact that we could suck out their blood at any given moment-but that was a minor detail in our young minds. It's been a few years since we first came to their house. Jane is now eighteen and I'm sixteen.

I practically just gave you a whole biography that you probably didn't even care of anyway. But, Jane ran away because today is the day we're supposed to return. Return back to OUR version of normal people-our family and friends. The king of Gemsei (our land) has reconstructed and discovered a new campsite where we're all supposed to settle down together again.

Jane, as you can most likely tell, couldn't wait to leave. She's nice to our mortal family but really doesn't like being "human." I, on the other hand, have gotten used to the human world. My powers have even weakened, that's why I feel like I'm getting frostbite as to where a vampire wouldn't feel a thing.

Jane isn't happy with those results and is trying to get me back to the campsite as soon as possible. We were planning on telling our "parents" we were going to move out and start own lives together as the sisters we are, but as soon as my sister heard that her ex-boyfriend (that she was STILL crazy about after 8 years) was already at the site, she ran as fast as vamps possibly could-and that's pretty fast.

So why am I looking for her- because she forget something;because someone needs to talk to her? No, because we're being hunted.

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