55. Swami Omkar Birthday in Vizag & Complaints Against Me - Jan 2000

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Birthday in Vizag & Complaints Against Me

January 25, 2000

Shanti Ashram

Dear Parents,

Namaskars! Hope all is well with you all. Here all is fine. I wondered whether to send you these discourses or not, because you are writing that there are still many discourses to be read. Anyway, I am sending them, for better or for worse!

I went to Visakhapatnam on 20th afternoon and returned on 21st night. On 20th night I played around on the Internet again, this time logging into various Sai sites and other Ashram sites. I was surprised to see the latest discourse available on the most popular Sai site, being Ugadi in March 1999! Why aren't they updating, I wonder?

I went to Swami Omkar's Birthday program on the 21st, held in Visakhapatnam this year. Jnaneswari was surrounded by VIP's and could only spare me a half-smile. Never mind! There was Puja then Swami Chidananda gave a short speech. The gist of it was this: "Hmmm, this program sheet says that the morning program will be 7-8 AM. It is now exactly 8 minutes to 8 AM. So I have 8 minutes to speak. No more, no less."

Then he proceeded to hold one doll to the mike (that the Hyderabad billionaires had given him) - it was one of those plastic rosy ones with blond hair that are so omnipresent in the West-and from its stomach came the singing refrain, "Happy Birthday to You!"

After that was over, time was up so Swami Chidananda motioned for Arathi then left!

I greeted some people who were happy to see me, had some nice upma tiffin that was provided there, then we went on a bus to the top of Mt. Kailash. I had an hour to play on all the swings and bars, giving an opportunity of fun to the two ladies who had come with me (the driver's wife and the old lady in charge of Kakinada branch Shanti Ashram). They also had a great time letting loose and playing on the swings, something they would no doubt never do if it weren't for me being there!

After, Swami Chidananda came and opened the new Universal Temple. A few hundred people had also come so we mingled with the crowd and watched everything as witnesses.

Swami Chidanandaji then took a seat on the dais (with the Hyderabad billionaires and other super-VIP's standing majestically behind his chair) and my Big Uncle started to give an informative account of Swami Omkar and all the Ashram Branches.

This lasted awhile and as soon as he wound down, the two Chief Guests (I forgot who - big ones like the Commissioner of Police and Finance Minister of Visakhapatnam or someone like that) leaped up and apologized saying they had other functions to go to. They quickly left, as Big Uncle murmured apologies that they wouldn't speak as scheduled.

Then other speeches until finally Chidananda spoke. The gist of his speech was: "In foreign countries and even here in India, they give the exact timings of speeches etc., so the program does not exceed limits. How unfortunate that the honorable Chief guests had to leave! The first speech could have been reduced. Anyway, now time is up. Remember God always. Hari Om Tat Sat!" And with that, he left!

It somehow seemed to me that maybe he was tired of functions and speeches! He looks OK, like last year: moving about fine, but aged. Face shining with the light of God.

As Jnaneswari was busy in the rush clutching the hand of the billionaire lady, showing her around, I made my exit with the driver's wife. She had wanted to have bath in the sea, but I ran off back here to Shanti Ashram, so the plan was cancelled. Another opportunity to merge my life with the Great Sea missed! Hee, hee!

Before I arrived, in the bus stop ofKattipudi (the town 30 minutes from here) I boughtsome biscuits for Vijaya dog (price marked Rs. 12 but the guy gave it for Rs. 7! They turned out to be old-smelling and stale, though) and new chapels (tired of expensive ones lasting only a couple of months, I asked for the cheapest available, Rs. 16. The shop guy gave me chapels marked Rs 27, for Rs 16). I was surprised at these two purchases, oddly given for less instead of more the marked price!

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