32. After Parent's Visit & Hours of Silence

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 Return to Shanti Ashram From Parent’s India Visit

February 26, 1997

Dear Parents,

Divya conveys her namaskars! I hope by Swami’s Grace you had a pleasant and peaceful journey back to USA, and arrived safely to find your loyal car waiting for you. By the compassion of God I had a very smooth journey back to the wonderfully refreshing Shanti Ashram (God only helped me to lug the six bags from train station and two bus changes. No coolies in the villages this side!)

You can imagine my joy upon arriving at the clean and quiet ashram, after weeks of experiencing God in noise, dust, smoke and crowds! I was greeted by loving school children who would not allow me to lug the luggage uphill to the little cave-cottage. All is well here; Jnaneswari and all are fine as usual.

So! Glad you had an enjoyable trip! Coming back on the train, it all seemed like a dream that I just woke up from. But I knew it wasn’t just a dream when I began to unpack the bags! Organizing took three days, in-between writing 700 magazine addresses, going to satsang and greeting Ashramites.

Due to God's Grace, I am healthy and so very content and relieved to be back in simple environs with pure and innocent loving souls, especially the close and careful care of Jnaneswari.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu!




Hours in Silence

March 12, 1997

Dear Parents,

It is wonderful to sit hours in silence, with no people around, with cool breezes and hearing only chirping birds and falling leaves. Yes, this is the place for me. Hope you’re well and happy there. :-)

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu.



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