31. Visit to Hyderabad

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Visit to Hyderabad

December 22, 1996

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh

Dear Parents,

We arrived in Hyderabad on 20 December. I am here enjoying Divine Opportunities! As soon as I arrived (with two other Ashramites), the Ratenlal family (they’re millionaires) insisted that I stay in their house with Jnaneswari. It’s a joint four houses together - in one section is Swami Chidananda and Swami Satchidananda. Several times each day they sit in the dining room and we have opportunity for “interview” with them, asking questions and hearing their talks and jokes. One feels so effortlessly uplifted in their Presence - I thank the Lord for this great opportunity! Both Swamis are popular and it is nearly impossible to have time with them. Swami Chidananda, especially, has lately made constant announcements that he can give no more interviews or talk privately, as he’s not well and is too busy attending functions. It is only because we are inmates in his residence that we can join the family members in private satsang with him.

We will arrive back in the ashram on 27 December morning.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu!



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