Epilogue: The End?

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I open my eyes.

There I stood in a glass box, which barely fit around my body. Light barely shined around me except for a small source of light that came from above.

I squint my eyes to see where I am but it's no use. I can't see a thing except for the glass wall and the darkness in front of it. 

'Maybe I should call out.'



"Hello?!" I bang on the glass wall. Then an idea popped into my mind. 

I have super strength. I hit the glass wall again, this time with much more strength and the glass has a slight crack. I hit it once more in the same spot. Again, again and again. I could feel my lungs grow tight at the lack of air circulation or air coming into my body. I give the glass wall one last shove with my shoulder and I fall out of the glass wall, air finally entering my body as I breathe heavily.

I wake up, coughing as I heave for air, pressing down onto something cold. And slippery. 

I look down at my surroundings to find that I was somewhere else. Somewhere icy.

I look around me and slightly jump in shock as I see the same lady from my dream, my mother, stands before me, her eyes more vibrant than before. 

Wait a second. I was at the place where I had died, wasn't I? I look down at the gap I found in the ice, trying to make the sight of Steve but I could see him.

"I couldn't find your friend. I just managed to grab you in time before you were too deep." I turn to her and I don't even feel the tears stream down my icy face. 

"Why did you do this?" I question her. "I have nothing to live for. Most of the people dearest to me are dead and I have no purpose to live. That was my time to die!" I yell and I splash at the icy water in anger.

"No, my child. That wasn't your time to die. That was your time to evolve, to become the person that you were always meant to become from the day you were born." She holds out her hand for me to grab.

"You were made for so much more than this human life." I look at her hand uncertain of the choice to make.

"I can assure you, I will be with you every step of the way when we leave this place." 

I slowly lift my hand to take hers and as I get up we disappear in thin air, leaving my deathbed into the heavens above.


A.N. Now I know I haven't written in so long but I have finally managed to finish writing this book after such a long time. Don't be afraid to comment on what you think of the book.

Thanks and see you for the next series, 'For Olympus!' which is coming out soon.


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