A Baby??

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As I walk down the hallway to the Colonel's office the next day, I observe the corridors in which Bucky had held me against the wall, accusing me of betrayal. Every specific spot in which I used to be with Bucky suddenly became so gloomy. A dark aura that just hung in the air, never to shed a light ever again. I had got one thing that I had wanted so far. Colonel Phillips had invited me to help him interrogate Dr. Armin Zola, the man at fault for my boyfriend's death. I clench my fists at the thought of that betraying bastard of a doctor. It was his fault that I couldn't be with Bucky. It was his fault that I may never be able to be with someone who truly loved me for who I am. For whom I was.

I enter the Colonel's office and he motions for me to sit down, but I decline.

"Marks, before we go in-"

"I don't need your pity, sir. I already know you're just doing this because you have to." I glare at the Colonel, who actually seems to be concerned for me. He sighs.

"You're wrong, Marks. And I was wrong too." I look up at him confused but still a bit emotional. "I'm sorry I didn't trust you before. That I believed you were working for H.Y.D.R.A. I should have known those photos were a set up. I should have tried to help you when I could have." He paces back and forth behind his table. When I looked at the Colonel, a huge wave of pain had somehow been lifted from my body and I now slumped in posture, not feeling the need to hide away the pain.

"It's okay, sir. You were just doing you're job." I motion that we go to meet Zola and he complies.

I tag along behind him, grabbing a tray of food from the cafeteria as we walked past there. The security nods in our direction letting us into the cold, dark room. As I walk inside, I remembered my time in this place, the only place of light being above the bed, and that had been just enough to get up and walk around knowing where I was going. There in the midst of the light, stood the man that I had so badly, wanted to punch in that already demented face. I start forward but the Colonel holds me back, causing me to bite down on my teeth to release the anger.

"Sit down." Colonel says angrily, putting the plate of food down on the table. Zola moves like a snake towards the table, observing the meat as if a new scientific discovery.

"What is this?"


"What is in it?" The Colonel looks at him frustrated.

"Cow. Doctor, do you realize how difficult it is to get ahold of a prime cut like that out here?" I could here the annoyance in his voice at the fact that Zola wouldn't eat.

"I don't eat meat."

"Why not?"

"It disagrees with me." Can I just punch him right now?

"How about cyanide? Does that give you the rumbly tummy too? Every Hydra agent that we've tried to take alive has crunched a little pill before we can stop him. But not you. So, here's my brilliant theory." Colonel Phillips takes the plate of meat himself and chews on it. "You wanna live."

"You're trying to intimidate me, Colonel."

"Well, if you think bringing dinner is intimidating..." I move closer to the table, and Zola regards my presence. Colonel chucks a piece of paper at him and Zola reads it out loud.

"'Given the variable information he has provided, and in exchange for his full cooperation, Dr. Zola is being remanded to Switzerland.'"

"I sent that message to Washington this morning. Of course it was encoded. You guys haven't broken those codes, have you? That would be awkward." I take the note from Zola's hand and read it for myself.

My Blurry Depiction (Captain America- The First Avenger)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora