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Next Week ~ Wednesday:

While Steve was on his campaigning tour with a bunch of Government dweebs, I decided to make the excuse that I was going back to Brooklyn, to grab a few things from the house. Instead, I booked a flight into Azzano, in Italy, to meet up with a Nazi agent that would be waiting for me at the other side of the airport. 

On the outside, I seemed calm and collected about the whole situation, but on the inside I was shivering to death, not because of the weather but because I was starting to regret what I was about to do.

In most typical horror stories I have read, when the person gets a threatening letter, they actually wait to see if the threat actually stays true to it's word. In this case, I wasn't able to risk it. If they were able to have a spy in the midst of the Allied forces, it was damn sure they could bomb up Camp Lehigh and kill all of the Allied forces there if I didn't follow through. 

I had to see if I could compromise the problem.

I look around searching for some sort of sign of a man in H.Y.D.R.A. allegiance. The crowd begins to thicken as I drag my suitcase behind me, bobbing my head up to try and see where I am going. Looking behind me, I suddenly bump into a figure in front of me, my handbag dropped to the floor, contents now splayed everywhere.

"Terribly sorry, madame." A thick accent greets me and I quickly look up, politely smiling before picking up my belongings, the man helping me.

Once I had picked up all of my things, we both stand up and I quickly take the time to observe the man I had just bumped into. Wearing a fashionably black suit with a sort of built frame, the man looks down at me, smiling politely, as if waiting for me to say something. 

I suddenly realize how close the man and I are standing as I am staring at him... and that's when I realized.

"Hail Hydra." I lean up to the man's ear and whisper the words I would probably get killed for saying back in America. I feel the man's lips stretch up as I whisper the words and he grabs me on the waist, with both of his hands, bringing me even more closer to him. 

"Welcome. Fräulein Marks." I shiver at his action as he leans down to lightly kiss me on the lips, causing me to push back in shock. The man takes the situation lightly, laughing at my reaction.

"Come along now. We have business to attend to." I feel the fear and desperate need to go home inside me bubble as I was forced to follow behind him, his eyes so wrongly shaping my figure.

As we walk out of the airport, an antique vehicle sits parked, awaiting our arrival.

"You do have quite a good taste in cars, Herr...?

"Johann Schmidt at your service." He opens the door of the other side and I hop in.

"Thank you, but I think a lady can do some things on her own, can she not?" He smirks at my comment and I smile a little too as we drive off to where I slowly figure out to be the border of Austria, a town place called Kreischberg.

As we walk into the 'secret' base, I look around the faculty in awe. The place had been put together really well. As I look down at bottom of the building, men were seen fixing big tanks with some blue substance that I just couldn't keep my eyes off. 

"Yes, it is quite as much fascinating is it not?" I look up at Schmidt, who is now walking beside me, hands behind his back. 

"What is that substance you are using to power your tanks? It seems very dangerous." Schmidt smiles.

"Dangerous, yes, but also very beneficial for the war. You see, danger is what makes it all the more useful in war." I frown at that statement, watching as scientists load the blue substance into the tanks.

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