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At that moment, I had stole one of Schmidt's antique cars and drove off to the airport where I had booked a flight straight back to New Jersey. 

I had to warn Steve that the 107th had been captured at the one of the weapons facilities in Austria. 

As soon as I made it back to New Jersey the next morning, I run into the boundaries of Camp Lehigh. Searching for Steve on the big stage I find empty, I run back to the administration tent.

"Marks, what are you doing here? Where have you been?" I ignore the Colonel's questions, leaning my hands on his table as I try to ramble the words out of my head.

"The 107th... I know where they are... in Austria... we need to get to them-"

"That's already been handled, Marks. Illegally, if I might add." I look up at Colonel Phillips, confused at what he had said. 

"How did you find out-"

"The real question here is, how did you find out about their whereabouts?" I stop in my tracks, the Colonel's eyes drilling into mine. Shit! I just sounded like a double agent. How was I going to clean up this mess? He just stands there, looking at me disappointed.

"Stay there, I have to make a call." He looks at his watch before making a call on the telephone. 

"Senator Brandt, I regret to report that Captain Steven G. Rogers went missing behind enemy lines on the third. Aerial reconnaissance has proven unfruitful. As a result, I must declare Captain Rogers killed in action. Period." 


Steve went in to Austria?! To save Bucky! I am so dead. But Steve... he's dead.

I fall on the floor, my legs now numb from the pain I was feeling inside. 

"The last surveillance flight is back. No sign of activity." A fabric from Peggy's skirt brushes my face as I sit on the floor with my head bowed in shame. 

As both the Colonel and Peggy bicker about the rescue mission, which from what I had heard, Howard, Peggy and Steve had planned, I get up from my spot and start to walk away.

"Marks! I told you to STAY PUT!" I turn around, infuriated with the Colonel's commands. 

"You can't tell me what to do. I work for Howard not you." The Colonel looks at me, clearly pissed off, but looks outside as soldiers start to run around excited, rambling in the background. 

"What the hell's going on out there?" The Colonel and Peggy walkout the tent and I follow along, and when I look up front, I feel my facial muscle rise up. 

"Look who it is!" One of the soldiers points in the direction near the forest where Steve and Bucky with a few other soldiers were walking towards us, guns in hand, while other drove the massive tanks that I had sighted at the weapons facility down in Austria. 

Steve walks up to the Colonel, saluting.

"Sir, some of these men need medical attention." The medic guy calls some soldiers to help him take the men to the hospital wing not far. 

"I'd also like to surrender myself for disciplinary actions." Steve adds on as he glances at Peggy.

"That won't be necessary." The Colonel turns to walk off, stopping at me.

"You and I have a LOT to talk about young lady. You are lucky I haven't shot you dead yet."

I gulp as I take my last look at the boys, who look for me, eyes narrowed in confusion.      

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