Unfinished Business

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Finally plucking up the courage after many hours of sulking and repent, I walk through the corridors of the SSR, body slumped and head down as a crowd of mumbles starts to fill my ears.

"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bug house," I smirk at Colonel's old ways. "He thinks he's a God. He's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities. He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in an hour." Howard says worriedly. If only they knew how powerful it really was.

"How much time have we got?"

"I'd say under 24 hours." Everyone turns to the entry of the meeting room and I walk out of my hiding spot walking to the middle of the room. Steve gives me a worried look.


"We can talk later. Right now, we've got a maniac to stop." I shuffle in the pocket of my jacket to find a photo of a map in which the main HYDRA base was. "This is where the main base is. We hit here, we win the war."

Jim looks at me, confused and disheveled at my idea.

"So, what are we supposed to do. I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door." Steve smirks valiantly in my direction.

"Why not? That's exactly what we're gonna do."


As Steve, The Howling Commandos and I drive into the front gates of the HYDRA base we park in the bushes, waiting for the right moment. Steve directs me to go on the other side with Jim and Hogan, getting ready to barricade and attack the HYDRA men.

"Is it just me or does it look like they're ready for us?" I say to the guys as I observe from the binoculars.

All the HYDRA men seemed to have weapons in their hands, and their clothes were too ordinary for my liking. It was like they were guarding something.

"Do you want me to report to the Captain?" I shake my head at Dum-Dum.

"Don't worry. I must be hallucinating." Steve gives us the signal and I throw off a smoke grenade, watching it blow before sneaking in and knocking out the 3 guards out front without a sound. I come out of the smoke, signaling a thumbs up and we bombard the base, shooting any HYDRA agent we see. 

A HYDRA agent comes up from behind and hits me on the head, but for some reason, my body doesn't weaken. Instead, I hit the guy smack in the face and he falls unconscious, blood dripping from his nose.

It was happening again.

"What the hell was that?" Dum-Dum yells at me. Shit, he knows!

"I-I don't know." I manage to stumble out.

"Well we're gonna need some more of that to get through these guys." I sigh in relief and smirk as I grab another HYDRA agent and smash his head against my knee. 'That was for Bucky, you asshat.'

I notice a couple of HYDRA agents gaining on Steve all at once and I run towards him tackling the one in front of me before shooting the one closest to Steve in the head. I shoot the remaining HYDRA agents as they target both Steve and me surrounding us in the middle, with the help of Steve and his skillful shield.

He nods in my direction in thanks and just as we thought we were done, fire blazes out in front of us and I turn to fire but my ammo is gone. As I watch Steve gain on the pyrotechnic coming our way, the fire seems to almost scorch Steve as he closely dodges the fire, moving back into the middle. Another blaze hits my direction and I quickly fill up ammo, before shooting the guy dead, though another one quickly takes his place, threatening me with an aggressive dose of fire.

Cornered, Steve and I give up our fire, knowing that we lost, and let the HYDRA agents take us in. Let's hope the other Commandos were okay.

Led rather blandly inside the snake, steel tunnel of the HYDRA main base, Steve and I quit the fight, walking to our deaths. As we sense the fact that we are nearer, Steve bends down to whisper something in my ear.

"Have you got the tracker?" I poke my tongue out, pretending to blow a raspberry to Steve before putting it back. I just needed him to see the tracker lodged on the side of my tongue.

As we enter the room, my body shivers in fear at the sight of The Red Skull aka Johann Schmidt.

"Greetings, Miss Marks. You don't favor the new look?" Before I can even answer he laughs coldly, as the HYDRA agents push Steve and me to the ground quickly leaving to stand by the door, away from Schmidt. Schmidt walks towards us, sneaking his hand under my chin to pull up my face.

"You look even prettier than before." I wrench my face away from his hands, teeth grit in anger. He walks towards Steve glaring him in the face.

"Arrogance may not be a uniquely American trait, but I must say you do it better than anyone. But there are limits to what even you can do, Captain. Or did Erskine tell you otherwise?"

"He told me you were insane." Steve spat out.

"Ah. He resented my genius and tried to deny me what was rightfully mine. But he gave you everything. So, what made you so special?"

"Nothin'. Just a boy from Brooklyn." Schmidt retaliates, bashing Steve in the face multiple times, again. Again and again. It took me much effort to not scream for Steve's wellbeing but I sat there like a sitting duck, my body suddenly full of untamed adrenaline.

"I can do this all day." Steve manages to say to which Schmidt just grunts.

"Of course you can. Of course. But unfortunately, I am on a tight schedule." Schmidt takes his gun and points it in Steve's direction, a blue glow symbolizing sinister.

"So am I!" Just then the team bursts through the glass window on the left and before Schmidt can shoot Steve, I jump in front of him knocking the gun out of his hand. As I look around, more Allied soldiers begin to ambush the Soviet lab, and I gleam in happiness. I turn to find Schmidt escaping and without the awareness of the others follow him silently. 

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