The Bully and The Surprise

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My head starts to throb painfully as I wake up from the familiar vision. I always dreamed about this event every night. 

Today is exactly 7 years since I found out about Howard Stark being my biological father. I have never been able to forget about that memory. Once I had left the Stark residency, I fled to the only person I knew would help me. Steven Rogers. Yes, Sarah Rogers' son. He helped me to get over the major bits of my emotional battlefield though it was never going to be enough.

It was a part of me. Who I was, what I am now, and what I will always be. Grabbing my pocketwatch, I check the time. 7:00am. I drag myself to the bathroom to quickly wash up before changing into my school uniform.

As I head into the kitchen, I notice some fresh pancakes sitting on the kitchen bench with a note beside them

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As I head into the kitchen, I notice some fresh pancakes sitting on the kitchen bench with a note beside them.

'Gone for a walk with Buck. Don't worry about me. Have fun at school - Steve'

 Of course, I knew Steve was lying about his whereabouts. It was announced 3 years ago that America was joining the Second World War and Steve has been eager to get into the US army so that he could fight the Nazis in Europe. He told me that Bucky took him to train at one of these boxing gym nearby (which is called Goldie's Boxing Gym. I go there sometimes when I'm supposed to be studying after school- shhhhh,) but of course, that wouldn't come into any use if his medical record was crap. Not that I have told him any of this. I quietly thank Steve for the pancakes as I quickly consume them with some melted chocolate before rushing off to school.

*time skip ~ half-day 12 o'clock*

As the bell finally rings, I get up to hand in my paper before heading down to my locker. As I put my books in my locker and shut the door, I jump in surprise to find a girl with short brown hair, staring me down maliciously. 

"Well if it ain't the geek next door." She blows up her chewing gum, forminga bubble in her mouth before coming a bit closer to my face and then popping it. I cringe in disgust as some pieces of gum hit my cheeks.

"Hello to you to Dorothy." Her name comes out like pure venom from the tree Eve took her apple from. She gives me the death stare.

"My name is DOTTIE. Not that pathetic piece of garbage." I pout my lips, pretending to be sad.

"Awww. What would you're parents do if they heard you say that?" I let out a little chuckle before walking off. Dottie grabs my arm before I could even move.

"You think you're all up there, don't ya. Grazing through all your marks as if it was made for you." She pokes her finger at my chest.

"Don't go thinking you're better than me because in reality, I think we both know who's the be'er one." I snarl at her remark and walk off school grounds, infuriated by what she had just said to me. 

As I stomp along home, I push aside my anger for Dottie and focus on my emotion of being a bit happy as I was getting ready to surprise Steve with my early finish from school. As I open the door, I don't see anyone inside. Closing the door slowly behind me, I place my bag on the couch before sneak over to Steve's room. I peer my head through the doorway to find noone there. I look around everywhere else. The kitchen, the living room, outside. He was nowhere to be found. 'Maybe he hasn't came back from his walk' I thought as I relax my whole body weight onto the couch.  

Suddenly the door opens and I jump off the couch. As a silhouette forms by the doorway I yell. 

"GUESS WHO'S HOME EARLY!?" I hear something crash down the hall and I quickly run to find Steve against the wall, having a minor asthma attack. 

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