Reunited Once More

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I walk into the bar, half in relief, half in worry. 

I knew this was going to be the death of me. Schmidt was going to get me somehow, somewhere in sometime soon, and wasn't going to be pretty. I find a bar nearby, full of people and I quickly run in with my purse, in desperate need of some alcohol and a need to hide. 

When I walk in, the men inside stop and look at me, some of them wolf-whistling. I glare at them, giving them the message of 'stay the hell away from me otherwise I'll bite your face off' and go to sit at the bar close ahead. 

"What would you like today, ma'am?" The bartender, a cute middle aged guy glides over to me, a sense of a flirtatiousness aura spilling out of him. 

"One Manhattan please." The man looks at me as if I am kidding and I wave him off to do the job instead of staring me. He comes back later with my drink and as soon as he sets it down, I pick it up and swallow it like no tomorrow.

"Bad day?" The bartender asks.

I smirk. "Oh you have no idea." 

Suddenly the bar becomes a bit noisy as a bunch of men bombard the bar, rowdy like hell. As I look closer I realize that these are the men of the 107th that Steve had saved and I quickly do my best to hide. I walk over to sit behind a man, whom I might add, smelt like he had showered in his sweat and alcohol. I side glance at the pile of men to find the man I was clearly wanting to avoid. Bucky looked like a lost dog mixed in the pile of men. He waves off the guys going to the private bar by himself while the men try to find a place to sit. 

"Hey! Aren't you Captain America's friend?" A man with a massive mustache walks up to me and pats me on the shoulder. My eyes widen at the fact that they had knew who I was.

"You want to say that any louder?" I snap back, grabbing my plate of Manhattans from the bartender, before sinking one down. The guy leans down to look at me.

"I said, ARE YOU CAPTAIN-" I grab my Manhattan and throw it in his face. 

"I didn't actually mean you say it, you moron." I motion for him and his men to sit and they do, grabbing another table to join with the one I was sitting with. 

"Dum-Dum Hogan." The guy with the mustache holds out his hand and I take it, shaking it. 

"And these are Gabe Jones, James Falsworth and Jim Morita." I shake all of their hands in recognition. 

"Tell me..." 


"Danny," Dum-Dum takes out a pack of cards from his pocket. 

"do you know how to play Texas Hold 'em?" I smile. 

"I believe I do." The guys and I smile as we start to play.

*~time skip - 3 hours~*

I could say it was approximately 7pm, and I must also say, that I had become very, very rich by that time too. 

"God damn. I've never met a girl who could play cards like you, Marks." I turn to my right to find Howard not far, winking at me as he sat with some of his other friends drinking some beer. 

"Well, I guess, it comes genetically." I grab my money and throw my cards in the middle.

"Well, I'm going to have a break. Maybe chill down there for a while. But that was fun." I  grab my jacket and walk over to Howard who is chatting away with some of his colleagues. They all stop to look at me and Howard, being the kind gentleman, introduces me.

"Where were you?" He whispers, grabbing me away from the guys.

"The Colonel and I had to solve some... issues." I look up at him and I knew there was no point hiding the story, so I told him, briefly, what had happened. 

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