The Great Escape

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The guy runs into a nearby getaway car and as I exit the antique store, I quickly take my gun out and let all hell break loose. Surprisingly, I managed to hit one of the tires and the car swerved into the taxi in front of him. 

Suddenly behind me, Peggy runs up with a Walther PPK, shooting right at the taxi the guy was getting into, me following suit. The man suddenly makes a u-turn and heads straight for me and Peggy. 

I somehow jump and manage to land on the roof of the car and Steve, appearing from the store, manages to push Peggy out of the way. A really loud BOOM! sound came from underneath me and I realize that I am on top of the Nazi spy's stolen taxi and I am now alert again, trying not to get shot by the Nazi dude. 

Another BOOM! is heard as he attempts to shoot me again and I quickly dodge it, moving to the other side. I grab out my own gun to aim at the guy but my gun falls out of my hand as the car swerves sharp onto the left, forcing me to be a bit unbalanced on the roof. 

"GET OFF, YOU DAMNED WOMAN!" How dare he! I grip the corner of the roof a bit tighter and the guy swerves into the corner again on purpose, causing me to hold on for dear life. 

Please tell me someone was going to catch up to him? I didn't like being the only one here. 

I look ahead to find that we were in the wharf not far. The guy stops the car and I quickly steady myself, leaping onto him from behind, strangling him. I had him for a few seconds and suddenly he flips me, slamming me onto my back in front of him, a groan escaping.

"You..." He grabs my shoulder sleeve, hissing in my ear, "are coming with me." I jolt, signalling him to stay away but he manages to grab me, putting me in headlock. People around the wharf start to panic and I try to call out to make them calm down but the guy manages to punch me in the nose, which actually bloody hurt, blood oozing down my face. 

I groggily look in front and I make out a built figure running in our direction, the gun now being more pressed to my head than it was before. I realize that the guy is Steve (I'm more used to him being small), now struggling from the guy's grip.

" I wouldn't do that, schatz. This bullet will go straight through your head before you could get away from me." I stop struggling, obviously not wanting to waste my life in the hands of a thug. 

"Don't! Wait!" The guy starts towards the pool of water near a dock, dragging me along with him. "Stop! Please! Don't do this!" I wanted to yell out at Steve to just attack the guy already but I knew my chances of being killed by this macho would have increased so I shut my mouth. 

As Steve nears, the gun presses against my head more and more. Then that's when the gun cocked. 

"NOOOO!" I squeeze my eyes shut, preparing for my death, but when I open my eyes, the guy was struggling to shoot the gun, meaning there were no bullets in the gun. He glared at me and I did not expect was was going to happen next. 

The guy lifted me up above his head and chucked me into the water. Luckily, I had finally learnt how to swim and I surfaced above the water, Steve running towards the pool of water. 

" Geh zum Teufel! Dummkopf!" I swear in German at the guy, poking up the middle finger as he hurries into a jet mobile that had appeared out of nowhere. 

"I'll be back for you soon, mädchen." He smirks my way before jumping in the vehicle the water bubbling as he drives away in his submarine. 

"What are you waiting for? Go after him!" I turn to Steve. Steve dives into the water swimming after the vessel and I swim back to the platform, pulling myself up. My hand reaches my nose at first instinct and pain floods my mind. 

'Shit!' A bubble in the water causes me to rapidly get up. Steve resurfaces with a quite weak looking German dude. 'Serves him right.' Steve literally throws him to the floor, underestimating his strength and holds the guy by the collar. 

"Who the hell are you?" He asks with much furiosity in his voice. 

"The first of many. Cut off one head, two more shall take its place. Hail Hydra!" Looking at me, he pops open a fake tooth in his mouth and swallows it, froth coming out of his mouth, his body now in relapse before becoming still. 

I look at Steve, who seemed disappointed at the guy's cowardice death. 

"Steve. We have to go back. The people..." I look around to see people staring at us. Some showed faces of joy while others... not so much. Steve stares at me for a brief second, looking at the bruise probably that was forming around my nose, before lifting up the German dude, over his shoulder, carrying him out of the wharf.

As he does so, a piece of paper drops on the floor, and I quickly run to pick it up. 

Opening it curiously, I read the contents of the paper.

'Miss Daniella Marks, 

If you know what is right for you and your American friends, you will join forces with us. Your talent is what we have needed to boost our army. 

Fuhrer Schmidt.'

I turn the paper around to see if there was any sort of writing on the back.

'Come to this address the next week of Wednesday, 5pm. There will be an escort to take you. Just tell the man our motto, which I think you will know very well.' 

I gulp as I read the last part on the other side of the paper.

'If you do not join us, I think we might have to cut some heads for you to understand.'

I look at the direction where Steve had walked, relieved that the had not stopped to wait. I guess this wasn't the end of the road. 

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