The Beginning Of The End

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Taking my chances, I sneak out of the building with the infamous Red Skull. As he scullies through the chaotic corridor of HYDRA men. I push past them, trying to follow the red bastard. 

I end up at the docking bay, the Red Skull heading into a massive warship, pressing a button on the door to go in. I manage to jump inside before the door closed, earning myself a big BANG of a noise at my arrival. 

Well damn.

The Red Skull turns around and smirks at my appearance, a slight gulp running down my throat. 

"Ah, Madam Marks, you have come to join me I see?" I grumble and stupidly lash out at Schmidt, who easily dodges my moves which send me flying face first into the steel cold floors of the rusty old ship.

Before I can get up, I feel the extra weight pressing on my back and I grunt in pain, struggling to get out of the grip. He pushes down harder and I feel myself losing a bit of air, my lungs becoming blocked. 

"Typical Amerikans. I should have known I could never have them on my side." The weight is finally left of me but before I can take a huge breath he knocks me in the head and all light grows dark as I fall unconscious on the steel cold ground.


'Daniella! Look up' What? I open my eyes, rubbing them to relieve myself of the illusion that had my mind. A pink fluorescent background was covering my eyes as the white clouds slightly blend into the pale pallet. At this moment, I was considering whether or not I was in heaven. I mean the Red Skull hadn't killed me... 


'My child! Look here!' I look in front of me to find an elegant lady in front of me. Her hair flew brown like the earthly bark, eyes as hazel as Saturn's surface, her dress as blue as a clear sky. I shake my head.

'Who are you? And where am I?!' I yell out worried and she comes up to me, kneels down at my position and grabs a hold of my cheeks, rubbing her thumb just under my right eye. 

'You have grown so beautifully...' She gazes into my eyes as if I was an artifact worth observing in a museum. How could she possibly know me so well and... hold up. I look closer at her features again. Her eyes were hazel, like mine. Her hair, it was the same type of brown as mine and her skin colour-

'Mum!?' I manage to yelp out in tears and she nods her head, a strong look on her face.

'Yes, Daniella. It's me.' I gape.

'But- what-how?!' She smiles at me. A loud horn from afar can be heard and mum turns to look at where the sound was coming from and sadly turns back.

'I wish I could tell you but I do not have the time. I am being summoned back by my kingdom. We will meet again, my child.'

I reach out to her as she drifts away.

'No wait-'

'Go! Your friends need you.' As she drifts off between the clouds not a speck of her insight.

'Danny...' I hear a voice growl below and I look down. The voices grow louder and soon loud bangs take their place. I jump down and feel as reality washes over me once more.


Bang! I am suddenly alert at the sound just above my head as a round disk is stuck on the wall above. Steve's shield.

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