The Train Scene

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A.N. Extremely sorry, but this chapter is really long. 

*-8 months later-*

There was no sign of the Johann Schmidt and his insidious threats of killing everything that I had loved, and I had to say I couldn't have been more happier. What makes things more great is the fact that thanks to Steve's memory for the location of other HYDRA bases nearby, we have been able to take down almost all of them. I would like to see that man's face now when he sees his faculties destroyed.

A telegram came in this morning from the apartment that Bucky and I lived in. Yes, Bucky and I had found an apartment together. Okay, Steve lives with us too, but he's hardly ever in the house, camping in the London base, so Bucky and I mostly had the house to ourselves. Which gave us a lot of time to do... Things that we missed out on while he was gone.

The telegram had told me to meet up Colonel Phillips at the London campus, and I reluctantly shove my pancakes down my throat instead of savoring like I normally did. Arriving at campus in my uniform, I walk into the Colonel's office, knocking before letting myself enter.

"Yes. I'll be back with you, Senator. I have important matters to attend to." He puts the phone down and I stand in front of him.

"You called sir." With both hands on the desk he leans very near my face, eyeing me out in a way that I had not gotten used to these past few years.

"I am putting you on your first mission." My insides yelp in happiness at this news as my frown actually turns upside down. "I wouldn't get too excited." I quickly put on a straight face.

He points to me. "I will be keeping a very good eye on you. Hogan and Jones have stepped to keep an eye on you. So any funny business and you know what I'll do." I nod quickly, the excitement building in my body.

A knock on the door interrupts us and the Colonel calls out for the person to open the door. Bucky comes in, surprised to see me standing there. Careful not to act unprofessional in front of the Colonel, he walks over pretending not to notice me.

"Sir. Stark said you wanted to see me?" The Colonel looks at me.

"After I have a talk with you, you will escort Marks here to the weapons facility. She will be coming with you on the mission." I look at Bucky excitedly, though I notice that the same expression is not mirrored on his face, which is now much paler than it was before. 

"Wait outside, Marks." I salute in response before walking out, eyeing Bucky in a most unpleasant way from his reaction.

Bucky POV:

"Sir, you are kidding when you say that she is coming on this mission?" Colonel looks at me, thinking the same thing in his head.

"I'm afraid not." I grow pale and cold at those words. She couldn't go. I couldn't risk her getting hurt.

"I need to know that I can trust her, Barnes." I raise an eyebrow.

"Trust her?!" I exclaim confused. "She's one of us, Sir. We have always trusted her."

"Could you say that even though you saw her in that HYDRA facility?" I stop in my tracks. How did he know about that?

"She told me everything. I forced it all out. Or at least I think that I did." I run my hand up into my hair, reflecting the whole situation.

"Why do this now? If she was a spy, she would have already got HYDRA through by now." Colonel goes into his draw and throws a letter in my direction. Opening it, I read the contents inside.

'Colonel Phillips,

You think destroying my faculties will destroy my army. Cut one head, two more shall take it's place.

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