Chapter 30

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I woke up and it felt like a dream. Our party in the bus last night, Everything was seeming so out of place in a good way. Today was the last day of rehearsals and tomorrow was the last show. The summer was gone and I started up school again in the fall. It was going to be impossible I thought to keep up all these new realtionships I had made. Although, tour life is very hard to be accustomed to, and I was afraid that after this I would just become another girl to Niall, another girl he had met on his crazy ride. It made me feel suddenly saddened that I was never going to mean more, or mean as much as he meant to me.I got dressed in a simple flowy tank top and jean shorts because we were in Los Angeles and it was hot here. Like so hot you want to bathe in the air conditioning for hours rather than move any muscle in your body. Instead I am stuck with my clothes sticking to my body from the sweat that I wish would just disappear. Because I am not glistening, I am sweating which is not attractive on me whatsoever.

I noticed all the other girls were awake when I entered the breakfast area of the hotel. It was like home with a family style buffet. Istead of plastic coverings they were covered with fun colored cloth to keep the toast and eggs warm. The fruit was in a clear bowl with light pink flowers scattered across it. All it did was make me homesick and want to be with my mom, like when I was five and I would come down before church and there would be breakfast set out for me and my three brothers.

I wish sometimes that I visited them more often, however when two live in California and one lives in Vermont it becomes dificult to have a family dinner which is why I need to stop putting off dinner with my folks. As I was sitting though with all the girls we were very silent in realizing that tonight was our last night together. Tomorrow, we do the show and then go all the way home. It made everything more sentimental I guess.

"So what is the university you are going to?" I asked Bonnie.

"I am going to Strayer University, however I am taking online classes because I am moving to the states," she informs us with a grin.

"What state?" Sadie asks excitedly.

"New York, however I may have trouble finding a place to stay..." she implied.

"Good. So you're staying in my apartment then," Sadie said with a laugh.

"What about me, you're leaving me in Luc by myself?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Okay, I could fit three in my apartment," Sadie answered.

"Oh, but I have school, and it isn't online," Sam wondered aloud. She looked down as if she was ruining the fun, which she never does, but sometimes she gets so down on herself when something is interrupted because of her.

"Just transfer," Bonnie answered.

"Yeah, its not that easy. I'd have to go through all this paperwork and the government building for a visa," Sam trailed.

"But you'll be in New York," Sadie said with a smile lighting up the conversation and I saw Sam think it over in her head by the way she was biting her thumb nail.

"Okay," Sam broke and we all laughed and Sadie clasped her hands together catching all of our attention.

"Now, that's three out of five, we need accommodation for two more," Sadie brought this to our attention.

"I can't leave my parents in Wyoming alone," I present to them and Lila patted my shoulder.

"And I can't afford to live in New York," Lila added.

"But we need to make this work, I need my five besties with me," Sadie announced and we all gave her a sad smile. We all looked like we were thinking of ways to work this out however my situation was a must. My parents need to have me there, I have been there for them for anything and I couldn't imagine not being with them.

"Lila with this paycheck I'm sure you and Keigan could split rent on an apartment in my building. It is the cheapest thing," Sadie started.

"But I can't leave, my parents need me," I remind her and everyone.

"Is this your phone?" Bonnie asks picking up my run down track phone.

"Yeah..." I ask hesitantly. Then she immediately dials a number that she found in my contacts. And it dials for a while before she replies.

"Hi, mister and misses Anderson. This is a friend of Keigan's and we are arranging for all of us to move to New York," Bonnie suggests and I look at her wide eyed. She did not just call my parents.

"Oh, well I'm sure if she hurries, deadline for Syracuse's summer semester in a month."

Was Bonnie really trying to convince my parents who of course would not say no because they are polite and they believe that I want to do this.

"Great. She'll visit you as soon as we're settled in." then Bonnie hung up the phone and handed it to me. I still looked shocked. Bowser when we looked at the time we realized that we had to get to rehearsal.

After two blocks of horrible heat we made it to the arena. Once inside we saw our boys on the stage practicing and we all glanced at eachother.

"Sadie what about you and Louis, are you all good," Lila asked and we all turned to eachother to see what she would say.

"Better than okay," Sadie replied, "Keigan, as always you were right. I was mad that she had kissed him but Inwas also mad he brushed me off so I confronted him like I should have all along. I wen to his room and knocked on the door softly because it was late and when he answers he looks so relieved which made my heart flutter. So I explained my feelings about his actins and Eleanor's and he said he was. Lowing me off at the airport so I wouldn't be uncomfortable. he thought that if we showed off our relationship to Eleanor it would be awkward for me. So I apologized forthe misunderstanding and he did the same."

"And..." Sam asked with a raised brow.

"Well, he asked what I though about him saying I love you," and Sadie said that all the others girls got huge shocked smiles, "so I replied that I felt he same way but insisted I say it out loud. And when I did he crushed his lips against mine and it was vey intimate after that. His hands trailed up my sides bringing my shirt with them and..."

"Okay, okay. We got that part," Bonnie cut in and we all giggled.

"What about Zayn?" Sadie asked directing it to Lila.

"we had plans for him to visit me inPonce but I guess I have to change that to new York and we are going to Skype. Its nice that he wants this to work out you know?" Lila asked and we all smiled that she was getting this perfect ending.

"Samantha, how did the Liam debacle work out?" I asked.

"He is getting there. Everyday he sends me a text or tells me something sweet. We're perfect, it seems," Sam relied ona faraway dreamy voice. We all smiled at her face and laughed when she "woke herself up."

"How is it with Niall?" Lila asked.

I looked down at my beat up Vans and tried to think of something to say about us. We acted like best friends but I wanted to be more.

"I don't know," I answer honestly. Luckily the girls didn't press and none of us were going to ask Bonnie because we knew it was a soft spot for her.

We all looked to the stage when the music stopped and we noticed that the boys were approaching us with sad smiles. They knew what was coming to.

"Hello girls," Louis greeted while wrapping both his arms around Sadie which was true sign they had worked this out.

"So we were thinking last night, we go out for dinner, nothing too fancy," Liam joked while his head was resting on Sam's shoulder.

"Sounds great," Bonnie answered but I noticed Harry was lightly connecting and unconnecting their fingers while she talked. It made me look straight to Niall. he made. O effort like that which only crushed my spirits further.

Then Niall leaned over to my ear and whispered, "after dinner we should take a stroll through town."

I nodded and then a sudden hope took over. This could be it for me, the swept off my feet moment.

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