Chapter 24

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All day I had been sweating my talk with Niall. Even the through rehearsal I was messing up in places I never normally do or playing in the wrong key becaus ei was so unfocussed. I soon felt nauseous just thinking about anything to do with him. He said he nted to talk at lunch and noowas approaching fast, it seemed if the clock was moving faster than normal which wouldn't surprise me and my luck. That's what I really needed was luck and for Miss Walters to stop smirking in my direction because all it did was make me even more nervous for what I was about to hear.

I watched as everyone broke for lunch and saw a Niall enter backstage with the rest of the lads so I took this opportunity to go talk to. My girls and get some advice, luckily they suddenly can read minds and were at my side within five minutes after I thought this.

"You can do this, and stop being pessimistic!" Bonnie demanded.

"Yeah! He could be telling you great news alright," Sadie chimed in, but to be honest my insides were feeling quite the opposite. Son, the world started spinning and I felt my stomach lurch forward and I quickly ran to the bathroom because I couldn't take this stress, and I think I forgot to eat yesterday and today. Great. I emptied the few contents of my stomach into the toilet before exiting the stall where i was met by four pairs of very concerned eyes.

"Hon, you need to breath, okay? Whatever he has to say will not be the end of the world, alright?" Lila tried to get eye contact while she said this but I felt horrible and I'm sure I looked it.

"Let's get you cleaned up, dear, eh?" Samantha said, finally proving to me she really was Canadian. She went over and grabbed a paper towel and wetted it handing it to me as I wiped off my face. Bonnie pulled out some emergency make up from her bag while Sadie had these little Colgate toothbrush/toothpaste combo things. Then Lila brushed out my hair and I noticed my reflection in the mirror and it was as if I hadn't been sick at all.

"Thanks guys," I said grateful for all the help they were giving me.

They all gave me a sympathetic smile and Sadie said, " go get him." I smiled at them before exiting the bathroom to the hall and sure enough I found a pacing blonde Irish waiting for me. When the door crashed against the frame he turned his gaze to me and immediately straightened up.

"Hi there," he said almost cracking his voice form nerves.

"Hey Niall," I replied while looking to the floor then back up to his eyes where he looked to the wall with a heartbreaking expression.

"I don't know what to do to be honest with ya Keigan," he admitted which weren't the words I was looking for.

"Do about what?" I asked just to check Bonnie's facts.

"About your crush," he said meeting my eyes and I felt some tears coming on because I knew he didn't return the feelings otherwise he wouldn't have said my crush he would have said our relationship or our predicament but instead he says my crush like this is all me.

He must have noticed my saddened expression that had overcome my face and I shakily tried to erase them with my hands but they were trembling and I felt out of control.

"It's not that you aren't attractive," Niall amended, "or beautiful."

I looked to him with very hopeful eyes, waiting to see what he would say and then he crushed everything with a simple sentence.

"Keigan, it's just, you're not," he paused then it poured out of his mouth so languid I almost didn't comprehend it until I repeated the phrase in my head, "you're not beautiful to me."

I felt my breath hitch and he continued talking but it all blurred together and I was going in and out of focus, I almost couldn't see straight.

"Stop," I muttered and all the noise turned off.

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