Chapter 13

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"Same here, I saw all the girls and to be honest I immediately felt scared so I ducked out the back with Todd to clear my head and I saw that guy giving you trouble and definitely had to step in. I mean, when I see guys like that it just inspires me to be a better boyfriend I guess," Niall admitted to me and all it did was make my heart melt and cry all at the same time.

Then I glanced at my watch and realized the time.

"We have fifteen minutes to get back before practice starts and I don't even have my instrument!" I exclaimed while quickly throwing away my drink when I felt someone tug my body back by the elbow.

"Not with that eye, we have to get you checked out," Niall said examining it as he talked making it all of sudden throb more noticeably.

"Well, I'm not going to let a black eye caused by a guy with a just a little too much testosterone ruin my dream, okay?" I said and at the mention of dream Niall released my arm, smiled at me then nodded and put his hand on the small of my back while leading me out of the coffee shop and we ran back to the hotel not waiting for Todd. Right as I entered the hotel, Sadie, Lila, Bonnie, and Samantha exited the elevator with my violin in hand.

"Oh my god, you guys are life savers!" I yelled from how out of breath I was while I enveloped them in a slightly damp hug.

"Where were you?" Lila asked in frustration. "We were so worried about you when we woke up and you were gone and after last night we were afraid you had run off in the middle of the night or something! And oh my god what happened to your eye?!" Then I saw all their shocked faces wondering just how bad did my eye look.

"Um, well I got punched by a guy in this coffee shop who Niall saved me from and-"

"Why would you have left last night?" Niall asked and as I turned to see him I revealed him to all the girls who all began grinning and smiling.

"Well, she would love to tell you but we really have to get to practice. I mean especially one fifth of One Direction, right? And then Keigan you can tell us the whole story behind your eye," Sadie said while linking arms with Samantha who nudged my arm and smiled as they jogged out into the storm.

Then Lila and Bonnie linked arms with me and as they whisked me away I tapped Niall's shoulder as if signaling him to follow us and we all ended up running to the venue. As we entered the stadium with five minutes to spare we may have looked pretty soaked but really we were just glad we made it on time. I looked back to see Niall being whisked away by their stylist who removed his hat just in time for me to see his gorgeous, slightly wet hat hair. Then Sadie yanked my arm towards the orchestra and I quietly took my seat alongside the other thirds.

Once I took out my violin and tuned I finally recognized that strange feeling that I was getting, it was all the stares. It must've been from my eye, which by all the faces I've seen so far, I'm guessing looks completely hideous. I subconsciously began trying to hide it by moving my hand to cover it but once my fingertips grazed the skin it became overly sensitive and sent shooting pain throughout my forehead practically giving myself a headache.

"What'd you do? Disobey your pimp so he decided to teach you a lesson?" Miss Walters said to me. I refuse to call her Hallie because then I will feel that much worse when I think of all the horrible things I want to do to her.

"I don't have a pimp," I commented quietly more to myself I suppose.

So quietly, that Miss Walters didn't respond. I looked up to see our director getting ready to play what I suppose was "More Than This." Finally, something to get my mind off of Niall and my eye. Playing my violin was definitely my new form of therapy and half way through practice I wanted to rejoice when my leggings were finally not sticking to my thighs and my sweater was feeling comfortable again. While our director took some time to work with the brass and woodwinds I took this as the opportune moment to fix my bun and now everything seemed to be back as it were. All except you could all the rumors more clearly now than before. Some people thought exactly what Miss Walters had suggested, others believed I was so clumsy I fell and hit my head on a door stop. Other people suggested I got in a bar fight, if only they knew I was as terrifying as a piglet.

Although it was kinda cool that people suspected I was some crazy wild child, since I would never be considered that by anyone I know.

"So, what did happen?" the boy who sits next to me had enough courage to ask.

"I was at a coffee shop and a guy was bothering me blatantly so someone stepped in and a punch was thrown and I was the accidental recipient," I recalled and when I saw the look on his face it was a mixture of being let down and satisfaction. And then as if by telling one person I soon set off a wild fire and everyone was talking about it. Great, my intention to tell my story and possibly quiet down the talk about me only made it worse. That's it, from now in practice I vow to be mute if that is what it will take. Soon our director called attention to the strings and the whole orchestra quieted and it felt if a pin could drop and it's sound would reverberate with the same amount of force as a tree.

We practiced all the songs we needed to for tonight's show until we were released for lunch. Sadie was at my side immediately and we quickly gathered our three dancing friends and had to rethink our lunch situation since it was still pouring outside. Instead we decided to just find a place in the stadium that would be all to ourselves which really considering everyone was crammed in here. That's when Sadie got a text from Louis telling her to meet him somewhere special.

"So, you're ditching us? Well, great," Bonnie said exasperatedly.

"I'm sure you all are invited too," Sadie said smiling while texting Louis back probably to confirm as well as extend her invitation to plus four.

"Hey, we don't want to intrude on what supposed to be a private date," Samantha comforted. And we all agreed with her statement, I wouldn't want to wreck a perfectly planned date by awkwardly intruding.

"Well, no worries, Louis said it is what the boys had planned, so let's go," Sadie stated while leading us to a small door that read, light access. Oh my god, we are going to hanging above the stadium. We all made our way up the narrow staircase that could've been taken from any scary movie. Finally, we made it to the top and as I was the last to enter whatever room we were going to be in, I was the last to experience the interesting euphoria you experience when looking down on everyone from at least one hundred feet up. Then I turned around and noticed a certain blonde Irish man was missing. Before I could ask Lila looked to Zayn, "where's Niall?"

"Oh, he is trying to chat up Hallie from the orchestra," Zayn replied.

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