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A/N: Hey, back at it with a new chapter. There's some new stuff going on, and it inspired me to get a chapter out. Be sure to check the A/N at the end, because there's some important stuff I wanna add, but don't wanna give spoilers yet for this chapter! (Note: because I know they'll pop up with the GIF at the top - SO to the SPN fans <3)

The rest of the weekend was amazing, but Eugene's birthday weekend had to come to a close at some point. I was glad we had a day of break so Eugene didn't walk into work with a stupid smile on his face and give it all away - but I was sure the guys would still talk.

The week itself was pretty standard as well. The guys were working on plenty of secret projects, but we still made time for each other, and we were doing well at keeping things balanced. I had no idea things were about to change drastically, and I wasn't sure if it would be for the worse or for the better;

Thursday afternoon came, and I got a ding on my computer to show I had a message.

Pretty Boy: Wanna go out for lunch? Want to talk to you about some stuff.

I rose a brow at that, a little concerned, but figured I was just being paranoid. 

Me: Sure. Meeting you downstairs like usual?

Pretty Boy: That's fine.

I finished up the work I was doing, before grabbing my bag and headed to go meet him. Buzzfeed had free food a lot, but sometimes it could get tiring or we just wanted something else. Based on how Eugene's message came across, I assumed he just wanted privacy away from our co-workers. 

I smiled softly as I saw him waiting, giving him a brief kiss. His nerves were written all over his face though, and it made me tense with anxiety. "You okay?" I asked, reaching up to stroke his cheek. 

He nodded, giving me what I was sure was meant to be a reassuring smile, but it wasn't helping calm anything. He took my hand, and we picked a pizza place nearby, sitting outside.

Once we got settled, I glanced over at him, curiosity eating away at me. "So, what's up?" I asked, deciding to just try to get him to come out with it.

He took a bite of his pizza, before chewing on his lip. "Well, the guys and I have been talking about a few different ideas this week..." he started, taking another bite. 

"Okay..." I prompted, hoping he'd continue. I mean, it seemed like a work thing, but that didn't mean I was immediately relaxed.

"We, uh, we're thinking of starting our own channel and company," he explained, sipping his drink.

I rose a brow at that. I knew the fans wanted a separate TGs channel for a while, especially since LL had one. "So like LadyLike?" I asked between bites. Yeah, it could be a little stressful to have a whole channel weighing on you, but I was sure they'd do fine. 

His nerves seemed to be at the surface now, and I didn't understand why. "Kinda... Except it wouldn't be with Buzzfeed. We're going through the motions to buy the rights to the Try Guys so we can be separate."  

I had to take a moment to process; I knew how our contracts were, and when you worked under BF, you couldn't have separate channels. And them buying the rights... "Are you guys talking about leaving Buzzfeed?" I asked, staring at him in shock.

He was trying to gauge my reaction, but I was sure that wasn't easy since even I didn't know how I felt about it just yet, not until I get all the details. "Yeah, we are. It's gonna take a few months to buy the rights, and we still have some projects we want to work on with the company, but in a few months time, we're going to start our own channel. It gives us the freedom to produce whatever we want, without having to get an approval. And then we can post when we please, without needing to fit into their timeslots, and we can have personal channels too. We feel the Try Guys have outgrown what we can do at Buzzfeed, and while we love it here, we think it's time to leave the metaphorical nest," he continued, giving the details I needed.

I took a moment to process that. They'd been with Buzzfeed for... I was pretty sure about four years, if not more. I knew the Try Guys were definitely getting bigger, and there was a big chunk of people who subbed BF just for TG videos. I knew they'd be successful, without a doubt - the moment they launched their channel, they'd have hundreds of thousands of subs. They'd be eligible for the Partner Program (so long as YouTube and the algorithm weren't fucked up), as well as various other revenue I knew they'd be able to bring in.

With me being quiet, he decided to add a little more. "We'll still obviously still be living in the same place and all. None of us are going anywhere. Just changing offices," he assured me, knowing how it was one of my fears when we got together that he'd leave me. 

I nodded. "I mean... I believe in you guys. And I know it must be frustrating to not have as much creative freedom as you'd like. It'll be weird though to come to work and not have you guys here," I said, reaching over to sip my drink, my mind still spinning.

"We won't be leaving for a few more months," he reminded me. He seemed to be thinking about something. "We're going to be using Patreon to help since it helps connect us with the fans, and brings in more financial support. And uh... once we get off the ground, get a decent amount of subs, fall in the habit of our schedule and what not... we talked about asking you to come join us?" he offered.

If I wasn't caught off guard before, I was now. Leaving Buzzfeed to officially work with the Try Guys? I loved my job, and I'd only been there for less than a year (probably would be about a year by the time I left), but the creative freedom... the ability to help them, and do my own channel if I so desired was something that sounded nice. "What would I be doing?" I asked, needing to clarify that before I agreed to anything.

He shrugged a little, finishing a bite of pizza. "Helping film, edit, graphic design... We're going to make new merch if you'd be willing to help with that. I'm sure there will be times where we want our Honorary Try Guy on camera... Similar to what you do now, just for the Try Guys, not Buzzfeed," he explained.

Well, at least there was that. And I'd still have a while more at Buzzfeed, so I wouldn't be directly leaving into a startup. Working so close with my boyfriend, especially having him be my boss was a little strange, but I liked the idea. We were such a collaborative couple, it could work. Still, I wasn't sure if I would be ready to leave after just a year. "Can I make that decision later down the line? More around the time you guys get ready to leave? I'll make sure to have plenty of time to finish up any projects I'm working on at the time if I want to do it, and give the proper notice," I asked.

He nodded. "Of course. Even if you decide when we're ready for you but you're not ready at the time, you can always wait to do it at another time too. There will always be room for you with us," he smiled.

I smiled back, relaxing. Change was always scary, but I had faith in them. So long as Eugene wasn't up and moving across the country or anything, I'd be fine. "I'll keep that in mind. I like the idea and all, I just don't want to make a split decision and all."

"I understand. It's been kinda a fantasy dream of ours for a while, it's only been the past week or two that it's been a serious "let's do this" thing." I knew they could be mature enough at times, especially when it came to work, and I was proud of them.

"You guys will do amazing," I said, reaching over to squeeze his hand. 

"Thanks, sweetheart. Nice to have people who believe in us." 

"I always will." 

A/N: Their announcement of their channel got me inspired. I wanted to do something set a bit in the past, so I can still get out videos they did with BF. And it gives them time to get out videos with the new channel as well. 

If there are any BF videos you want to see me do stuff with over the next few chapters, let me know - even if you've requested them before, request them again, soi know what to prioritize. Last time I made a wish list/idealist was a few months ago, so an updated one would be great.

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