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A/N: That took way longer than I expected to update, so I apologize for that. Thank you all so much for the beautiful comments though. This may not be super long because it's 4am and I have class tomorrow, but I wanted to give you guys something! Also, enjoy the cute nerd Eugene GIF at the top, lol. 

We were free to go since we were done with the shoot, and the both of us left the studio in kind of an awkward silence. "If you want and are free, we can take this time for a lunch break, and go somewhere and talk?" I suggested.

Eugene nodded. "That would be good. Where do you wanna go?" he asked.

I thought about that for a minute, knowing it would be better not to stay in the office, but I didn't want to go to someplace big. "The coffee shop has food too? There?" 

"Back to where it all began," he said with the ghost of a smile on his face. We headed down the street and went inside. There wasn't a lot of food options, but it was close, and what they had was good. We found somewhere that would be out of the way, so we could have a bit of privacy.

"I really wasn't expecting it to last this long when I suggested a break," I commented, pushing my salad around a bit with my fork, knowing I needed to eat but had little appetite at the moment.

Eugene glanced up at me. "I know. Neither of us did. I think even with stuff slowing down, we just found a pattern, and were still consumed with work. Seeing each other every day didn't really give us a big chance to miss each other and realize it had been so long," he concluded.

I agreed with him. For the most part. "I definitely still missed you, and do. So many weekends of wanting to come over with pizza and boba... I just didn't realize how many weekends it had been," I murmured, taking a bite of my food in hopes to ward off the tears I could feel fighting to the surface. No. No crying. 

"Oh, I'm not saying that I didn't miss you, or think about wanting to do dates and stuff, I just mean like truly "wow, this person has been out of my life for three months" type of mentality, since we saw each other, and still hung out," he replied. 

"These past few months have been... fine, for the most part. But I also miss how it was," I commented, willing myself to look up at him and meet his eyes. It was as if I could almost see physical walls behind his eyes. Nowhere near as big or scary as when we first met, but I'd hurt him with suggesting the break, and he was cautious. I could see it. 

Eugene took a sip of his coffee, clearly being able to tell I could practically see through him, and it made him nervous- I could see that too. Three months of talking through text, Snapchat, and IM, or being in groups or the office, and I still understood him, and he understood me. I didn't think that'd ever go away. It was why we worked together too. "I miss it too." It was barely above a whisper and if the cafe had been a little louder, I would have missed it. 

"If we're speaking candidly, and we always do, I think part of it was fear. We got intense really fast, and my trust issues came into play, and I was also worried you'd never be able to fully fall in love with me, and then the timing thing came in.. I did the cowardly thing, and when I saw an opportunity for an out, I took it. That's not who I am.. at least not who I want to be," I explained, trying to push my shoulders back and show I was serious. It was the only way to get past the walls again. 

"If that fear pops up again?" he prompted.

"Then I'll talk to you about it. I told Keith that in two months together, I felt more for you than I have in two-year relationships. You're the person I feel truly myself with, and like we work well. You know things about me no one else knows, and you're the first person to come to my mind when I'm having a bad day. A look from you or a simple text brightens my day. I was falling in love with you when we took our break, and I never stopped. I'm falling harder and harder each day," I told him.

He finally let himself look back up at me, even if it meant seeing his walls crumble at my words. "I never stopped either. And I never want to stop. I obviously wasn't lying when I said I didn't believe in true love, but you make me start to believe in it, and that's an influence I like in my life. A feeling I miss having around more." 

I brightened a little, not fully so I didn't get my hopes completely up, but they were there. "Does that mean we can finally call off this stupid break, and go back to the boyfriend/girlfriend thing?" I asked.

"That sounds perfect," he said, reaching over to take my hand, interlacing our fingers. 

I shifted to sit next to him, leaning over to kiss him softly. It was brief, but there would be more to come, and it was still like magic. "I love you, Eugene," I murmured. 

More of a smile came onto his lips. "I love you too, Y/N." 

A/N: So I currently don't have an end in sight for this story, since I've gotten asked about that before. The videos are still being posted, and sometimes they give me ideas. I do still have some, and I love hearing requests, so feel free to send them.


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