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When we got to my place, I invited Chantel in, before going to my room to put my phone on charge and change into something more comfortable. I made us both coffee, before sitting on the couch with her. While I loved Ned and being able to talk to him, this felt more like a girl conversation. 

"Do you think you guys will be okay?" she asked, sipping her coffee.

I nodded, looking down at the dark liquid, always someone bad with eye contact and stuff like that. "Yeah, I mean I'm sure we'll be fine. I'm not really mad at him, just a little hurt and upset," I shrugged. It wasn't a huge deal, especially since I knew where he was coming from, but just mostly wanted a few hours away and to relax. He was a perfectionist and put a lot of pressure on himself, and I would just need to learn how to not add to that pressure. 

"Have you heard from him yet?" I could tell she was trying to make sure I was okay, and I appreciated it. 

I shook my head. "Not yet. As far as I know, he could still be shooting." I didn't know how long these big productions usually took and given his attitude, I was pretty sure it wasn't a shoot he'd break on and come back to in the morning.

"It's possible. We've been known to stay well past usual office hours before, especially when doing something big and trying to make a viral video," she explained. 

"I'll probably hear from him sometime tomorrow and we'll be fine. No big deal," I said, not sure if I was trying to reassure her or myself that we'd be fine.

She reached over and squeezed my shoulder. "I've never seen Eugene look at anyone the way he looks at you - he adores you. Once he realizes he made a mistake, he'll be at your doorstep, in the rain, with a bouquet of flowers," she said, clearly talking like we lived in a cheesy romance scene.

"We don't get rain in LA,"I joked mildly. "And if he knows me, it'll be chocolate instead of flowers," I added, a small smile on my face. 

"Okay, on your doorstep in the hot LA sun with a box of chocolates," she altered the story, laughing softly, and I joined in. It was a nice feeling to be relaxing, and feel the stinging and worry slipping away. 

We talked a little more about other stuff before she had to get home and take care of some other stuff and I wanted to get food, catch up on some shows, and then pass out.

I didn't even think to check my phone before bed, just too tired and crashed when my head hit the pillow. 

Sleep wasn't very peaceful, having occasional dreams of even bigger, more serious fights that ended in Eugene and I breaking up. The idea of losing him scared me, even if we were new. He meant a lot in a short time and was someone I was putting my trust in. 

I reached over for my phone once I finally willed myself to open my eyes.  I was actually surprised to see I had quite a few texts and missed calls. Two missed calls from Eugene at different times (one close-ish to the end of work, and one more around nine), a call from Ned around the first call from Eugene, and I opened my texts.

Pretty Boy: I'm sorry for being an ass. Call me?

Pretty Boy: Did you and Chantel get home alright?

Pretty Boy: A little worried, wanted to make sure you're okay. If you're mad, I understand.

Ned F: Eugene has been trying to get ahold of you, are you okay?  

There was even one from Chantel a little before I went to bed.

Chanty: Ned and Eugene both called me to make sure you got home okay. Told them you did and let them know you were more or less fine. Guessing your phone is still on the charger or you fell asleep. May want to call them when you can though, they're worried.

Oops. Guess this was what happened when I picked to not worry about my phone during an argument. 

I sent a text to Chantel telling her I'd forgotten about my phone and then fell asleep, before making the first call to Ned, since I figured it'd be a shorter conversation. A lot of the talking about my feelings thing was done, so I just wanted to make sure he knew I was okay, in all forms. 

Should I call him now? Or text him and tell him I'm fine and wait to talk in person? I relented and pulled up his contact info, hitting the call button.

It didn't take long for him to answer. "Y/N! There you are. I was getting worried," he said. 

Despite myself, I smiled softly, glad he worried about me. "I'm fine. My phone was really low when I got home, so I put it on charge in my room and then forgot about it. Didn't come back into my room until I was ready to just crash out," I explained, just as I had with Ned. 

"I understand. Can we meet before work for coffee or something and to talk?" he asked.

I put the phone on speaker while I grabbed my brush and worked through the tangles. "You can come over if you want. I'm not even remotely ready yet, and I've got good coffee," I offered.

"That works for me, I'll be over soon," he told me.

"I'll leave the door unlocked, you can come in whenever you get here. If my bedroom door is closed, it means I'm getting changed," I told him, putting my hair up into a bun for the moment. 

"That's fine, I'll be there in a few," he said, before hanging up. 

I went out to unlock the front door and put a pot of coffee on, before heading in my room to change. It was a simple day, comfy worn jeans and a black t-shirt. I was just finishing getting dressed when I heard the front door, and grabbed my brush, pulling my hair down and started brushing it out while I went out of my room. 

"Morning," I greeted, brushing out my long locks, trying to get it to be as manageable as possible before putting it into a high ponytail. 

"Hey. I'm really sorry about yesterday, I was an ass," he said, apologizing right away. "I get super stressed and way in my own head with pressure, but I shouldn't have treated you like that when you were just trying to help and make sure I was okay."

I gave him a small smile and went over, kissing his cheek. "I forgive you. I know the stress that comes with being a perfectionist, and I'm not mad. It just stung a little, because I'm used to you being very patient with me, even if you're stressed with others. But I'm okay, and so are we," I assured him, leaning up to kiss his lips this time.

I could feel him relax into the kiss as he returned it, hands resting on my hips. "Hey, how come you didn't call, or text, or come see if we were still working before getting another ride?" He asked, his voice curious, not upset.

I glanced at him, brow quirked in a bit of a look. "I adore you, and I may not be mad at you, but I was not subjecting myself to the possibility of getting more "the wrath of Eugene", and Chantel offered as she was leaving," I explained, cracking a smile at my nickname for his attitude.

I saw a small smile toying at the edge of his lips too. "No more "wrath of Eugene." Even if I'm stressed, I'll make sure to play nice and not yell at you. And just for the record, if I drive you to work and then run overtime, just come find me, and even if I am in a mood, I'll chill enough for you, and let you know what's going on," he commented.

I nodded, kissing him once more. "Noted. Want coffee?" I asked, reaching down to grab his hands and pull him into the kitchen. 

"Yes, please." 

Just a Game | Eugene Lee Yang x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now