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Since coffee that morning with Eugene, things were better than ever. While I was still close to the others and talked to them about certain things, there was a lot I could go to Eugene for, which was really nice. He was quickly becoming one of my best friends. Chantel was my other main one since she was sweet, and we were able to explore vegetarian restaurants together. 

There were casual conversations about possibly producing a video, but no official word on it so far. Well, until I got an email from the boss that he wanted to see me and discuss something with me. It made me nervous, but everything had been going well, so I was trying not to be too nervous. 

It was actually the official meeting I'd been waiting for, giving me the opportunity to pitch and produce a video if they liked it. I had a couple ideas rolling around in my head, I just had to figure out which were the best ideas, and which ones I wanted to explore more so I could pitch them. 

I went back to my computer, dancing around and the guys took notice. As soon as I sat down, I saw our group IM pop up.

Zach K: What's got you so skippy?

Ned F: oh no, you didn't try the extreme caffeinated coffee in the break room, did you?

Keith H: Should we call the paramedics? 

Eugene Y: May want to give the girl two seconds to answer before we go calling 911, boys. 

Me: I got the opportunity to pitch some video ideas, and if they like it, I'll be able to do it!!! 

Ned F:  Congratulations!! 

Keith H: YAAAAAY! Can you do an Honorary Try Guys video pitch!? 

Eugene Y: I'm sure whatever you pitch will be fantastic.


Me: You guys wanna have lunch in a bit and help me decide between a few ideas? Obviously, I want to do something I'm passionate about, but you guys have been doing this for a while and know what will be likely to get approved.

Keith H: We got you, girl. And later tonight, we can go out for drinks and celebrate - trust me, you'll need it.

Eugene Y: We gotchu, boo ;P 

Me: Thought I was honeybun?

Eugene Y: Let me have this one different nickname. 

Me: Fine, fine, fine. 

Zach K: Okay you two, stop flirting.

I flushed at that, and glanced around at them, seeing Ned looking at me. Apart from Eugene, he was the one in the TG's I was closest to and knew the stuff that Eugene didn't. It was likely he knew exactly what was going on in my head at that moment.

Me: Okay, lunch. Meet you guys downstairs in half an hour?

They agreed to that, and I went back to gathering some evidence for my ideas, before going to meet them.

We went over a couple ideas, and I was able to narrow it down to three main ideas, and order them in a priority so I was able to give the pitch I was most passionate about and we thought would do the list, and have two back-ups just in case. They were a lot of help, and I was really grateful to have them on my side.

We headed back to the office after that, and before we went inside, I grabbed Eugene before he went inside. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something." 

He rose a brow in response. "What's up?" 

"They want me to have a senior with whatever I do, they said I didn't have to pick one until I pitched an idea and got it, but I'd kinda like for you to be my senior," I said, glancing at him, nervous to see what he'd say. 

"Really?" he asked, surprised by the offer/request.

I nodded. "I love how hard of a worker you are, and you like attention to detail and strive for perfection the way I do, so I'd like to work with someone who gets my mindset," I said. I'd been tempted to call him my senpai but didn't want him to think it was a race thing and kill the moment, even though I would have said it no matter who I was talking to.

He smiled softly. "I'd be honored." 

Just a Game | Eugene Lee Yang x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now